Why did I buy this..
I'm kicking myself a bit for this one, but let's see if I can get it running at least. Low compression (45-50 dry), no spark (before me), new wiring harness and tdi box installed by questionable methacanics... Leakdown and simple tests indicate carb, valves, rings, or something bigger. After t...
Just Joined - Seeking a TTR250
Greetings everyone, I am in the process of purchasing a TTR250rl, 2003, and looking forward to learning and participating in this forum. I am currently riding a Yamaha Super Tenere and a KLR650, and wanting to add a TTR250 for trails and off-road as the two I have now are just getting too heavy for that p...
Just joined !
Hello everyone and thank you for accepting me. (thanks to Brian and Steve) I live in France and I have an Open Enduro 96. I have already read some publications and now I will be able to participate and follow all your information. Regards. -- Edited by Speedy31470 on Monday 27th of November 2023 07:03:3...
Just Joined
Hi All I'm Mark, Just joined. I purchased a stolen recovered TTR a few years ago as a doer up'er. I had to get it re-registered on a Q plate and rode it for a few months., I then put it a the back of the garage until I had more time to spend on it. I recently found the receipt and that few years is actually 18 years a...
Hello all.
Hello, I'm Martin. I've just become the owner of a blue 05 TTR 250. I've been riding on the road for over 20 years & wanted a new challenge. I'm looking forward to learning lots as I start on my local (Norfolk) Green lanes.
Potential TTR 250 Purchase
Hi all, I am obviously new to this forum, and have never been off road on a motorcycle, although have been interested for a number of years. Recently I have had the opportunity to purchase a TTR 250 2004, owned from new, all original, never used off road, with very low mileage. The price seems reasonable...
New member from France !
Hello everybody, I am the lucky owner of a beautiful 2005 TTR 250. I have been using it on a daily basis driving off-road in the countryside since I purchased it one month ago. I am desperately looking for a "Big Bore kit" to improve the performance of the bike. I sent an email to sales@totallyttrs.com ...
Need some help, carburetor headache!
Hi there I have a 1999 TTR250 (USA). I have a big gun exhaust and snorkel removed. I just installed the acerbic 22l tank and Im getting great gas flow and ventilation to the carb. It seems I'm all the sudden running rich because when I pull off my air box cover it seems to run a bit better than normal. I have a 1...
Newbie intro.
Hi, New here, and wanting to get a TTR. As wanting to get back on a bike later in life, and want to do a bit of light overlanding, and TET. I was drawn to the TTR's, as I'm pretty unfit, and needed something fairly light, and with a bit of go for the road. TTR seemed a better fit for me than the typical CRF/DR...
I bought that unregistered import from eBay!
Okay so just before Christmas I bought this important raid from DK. After a bit of faff getting it registered, partly because I needed to ride it for its test and guess what? It didn't run properly. After much fannying about with the carb, I was about to take it down the garage this afternoon when I though...
New 1994 raid owner
Hi all! I’ve recently purchased a 1994 raid that needs nurturing back to life after sitting around for a number of years. I’m pretty impressed so far to be honest, it runs and despite sitting around it’s not particularly rusty. So far I’ve overhauled the brakes ( the fluid in the front master cylinde...
New Raid in North East
Hi all, Recently picked up a very original 96 Raid from a nice chap down in Wales. First taste of a TTR250 (TT250R?) and loved every bit of the couple of hundred Km I've so far done. It will generally spend its lift pottering on the lanes of the North York moors although I am keen to put it through its paces i...
New rider, just purchased TTR 250
Im in my 50’s and have wanted to get into riding off road for decades. I bought a 2005 TT R250 and it’s in excellent shape, seems perfect for power, but a little tall. I’m glad to see an active forum with so many of my questions already answered. I look forward to meeting the group virtually. I also bought...
Hi from South Australia.
Hi from SA! Been lurking on here for a while, however I never joined until I finally bought the bike. I have had a xr250, a yz250wr (rare road registered 2 stroke) and a affair with an italian beauty a tm racing 250 mx. After my friends got rid of their bikes I sold the TM. I then found myself in a mining town...
New owner of a TTR-250 here
Hello there, I am the proud new owner of a 2000 TTR-250. Well, I actually purchased it as a gift for my son. He's been getting excellent grades at school and excelling at sports as well so I thought this would be a great way to reward him for all his hard work. Even though his friends ride (much) newer machin...
Owner of a 92 open enduro, Hampshire
Recently purchased this bike to have some fun with I have Rotated your bike so that you can ride it safely. PS - Welcome to the forum. Cubber
Nouveau TTRiste de Mayenne
Bonjour à tous, Gilles, 67 ans, motard depuis l'âge de 16 ans, je viens de faire l'acquisition (sur les conseils pressants de mon fils) d'un 250 TTR. A l'origine cette moto était destinée à pratiquer un peu d'enduro en compagnie du fiston. Mais très vite je me suis pris au jeu de la restauration et après...
New trail rider & Raid owner!
Good evening- long time lurker first time caller poster! I'm Nev and this is me and my '94 Raid: I bought it late last year from a bloke in Wales who also had a blue tanked TTR as my path into trail riding. Since then, i've done my DAS and spent quite a few wet weekends out on the lanes of Lancashire and Yorksh...
New-To-Me '01 in Indiana
Hey all! New owner of a 2001 TTR-250 with a serious carb leak and a wonky rear brake switch. This is my first kick at anything dirt or dual-sport after years of standards, nakeds, cruisers and sport-tourers. I'm mostly looking to commute so creature comforts are probably in the future, but right now...
Hi from the Dordogne, France!
New to the forum, managed to get hold of a old 1998, TTR 250 which is in need of a bit of love and restoration.... Originally used by the French Police for off road training, then bought by a friend of mine, used occasionally for a number of years but mostly stored away in a barn. So, Im looking forward to get...
New owner of a 2005 TTR
Hi Guys, i bought Dave's 2005 TTR that was for sale on here. Im a first time TTR owner, bought the bike to do some green laning and get back into offroad riding. I also have a BMW F650 Dakar which i am hoping to do some longer trips to wales, scotland and europe incuding some TET riding in the next few years. As...
New proud owner TTR Raid
Never new these even existed. Very scarce in South Africa. Thanx for this awesome forum, I have learned a lot
New TTR owner
Hi new to the ttr's, long time bike owner in Queensland Australia
Just Joined from California
Hey everyone. First I am glad this forum exists as I have taken in a stray Yamaha TTR250. Model year is 2005. I am from TN living in CA. Proud owner of several bikes Harleys, Moto Guzzi, Kawasaki, Honda, Beta and now the Yamaha. I am a reluctant keeper of this bike. It was one of those 'I know you like to wo...
New to me 2000 model TTR250
Hello from Tasmania, Australia. I have ridden various bikes in my 40-odd years of riding, starting with a XR200RD when I got my license at the age of 16 to my last bike, a 2022 Versys 300X which I couldn't justify sitting unused in the garage, so I sold it and started looking for a road trail bike with elect...
'95 Raid in New Zealand
Kia Ora Folks! I'm a bit of an imposter here as I actually ride a 450exc (sorry!). Having said that my partner has just bought an awesome '95 TTR250 Raid. It's in really good nick and we've already had a few good rides on it. The reason for me joining this forum is I'm looking for some advice around luggage...
Just joined- no TTr yet, but looking for my first bike!
Hi-just found this site and am looking to get back into some biking and really fancy getting a TTr250! Any really important things to keep a lookout for with these bikes? Thanks!
New joiner
Hi, I have been a long time lurker on this forum and have found it to be a great resource for all and most interesting. I thought therefore I would joinup if not only to boost the membership. I dont have an off road type machine and really never have had and I dont know if my bones / joints would actually take i...
More like a rejoin!
Feels like a 2nd coming, what with Covid and long awaited surgery I’ve had minimum TTRing or big yin outings. The surgery complete 2.5 weeks ago, (no details, it would make your eyes water) and recovery going well, in 1.5 weeks I hope to be climbing aboard wee yin, stand by for some short ride reports.
Hi from South Wales
Just nought my first TTR250 blue 2005. Only 6500 miles.....loving it....well I was....! After first ride I had to limp home with a slipping clutch. Thanks for the great thread on how to adjust....I hope to try this later. 😀 I'll pop back on the thread and hopefully someone will have a photo of the a...