I thought my bike sounded a little loud on my last ride, turns out my exhaust was severed at the join with the header! Rusted through
I need to get a replacement pronto - can anyone recommend a UK supplier? I'd rather go aftermarket than stock replacement unless it's super expensive. But if anyone knows a supplier of new stock ones I'd be interested in that too.
I think the header looks okay, so it's just the back section I need.
I've found some old forum posts but all recommendations I can find are either in Austral
I've gone ahead and ordered a dominator muffler, this one: https://dominatorexhaust.com/en_GB/p/Yamaha-TTR-250-1999-2006-Exhaust-Silencer-Muffler-OVR-dB-killer/3652
Does anyone know if that will fit a '93 open enduro without any adaptors?
From what I recall, the Dominator is quite loud even with the dB killer fitted. OK if you are racing but maybe not so good for trail riding where stealth is good.
If you find that it doesn't suit you then it is possible to repair the original exhaust. Local TRF Group or bikers club can advise.
They rust at that joint because when the bike is put away after perhaps a wet and muddy ride, even after careful cleaning, water etc drips down on it.
Best advice to prevent this is to ride it after power washing to really dry it off and get rid of any moisture in the carb/intake/engine and, when the bike has cooled down go over it with WD40 or similar. I used to spray the whole bike except the seat. Make sure you cover the shock shaft as well