As my TTR only gets used when I can't be arsed to cycle to work, I decided I'd better have a work around ready for when the alarm has flattened the battery.
I bought a battery pack and a EC3 connector from Ebay.
This afternoon I tried to start the TTR after it had been sat for a couple of weeks, and all I got was the fluttery clicking of a flat battery. My multi-meter showed the battery voltage had dropped to 11.2v so I decided to give the battery pack a go.
The supplied crocodile clips are awkward to fit and need to have the side panel off, so I'd already planned to fit a permanent EC3 plug instead.
The plug fits between the panel and the battery box when not in use, and has got enough slack to poke out and connect when needed. With the pack plugged in the TTR spun over and started straight away. All I've got to do now is remember to keep the starter pack is my jacket pocket ;)