the tyres on our lads newly acquired ttr are very noisy on the road, [ forgot what they are ] so he wants summut else,it sounds like a landrover going past...
so my plan is to stick my wheels and tyres on his bike, AC10s, and il get a some new uns,does anybody have any experience with the maxxis maxxcross ITs?
theyre road legal, surely they cant be bad if they fit them on new ktms can they ??
I like the look of them and seem to have a more "round" profile than the scary ac10s
If you want quiet look at something else, I put them on my ktm, and while great off road, they do sound like a small helicopter trying to takeoff on the road.
ok buddy, thanks for that .the ac10s are nt too bad bad noise wise,but my god are they scary,i reckon , il stick with em for now,but will look at alternatives when they need replacing, our lad will have to get some ear plugs or something,
The AC10 is not really designed for prolonged road use.... I used the AC10 for enduros.. great tyre "AC10 fronts not so flash" I now use Golden tyre...
Read Michelin's desciption of what the AC10 was designed for....
My bike had AC10s on when I got it. When they needed replacing I went for a Mitas C02 on the rear and a Michelin Comp 4 up front. They work for me. Got a new C02 ready to go on the back soon.
Life long rider. Currently the CCM 450, a GSA and a Guzzi Le Mans I've had since 1981. Sold the TTR September 2016.
thanks again pete
the [ scary ] ac10s I have on at the moment are also a bit skinny looking ,100/100-18 & 80/100-21
so il go along with the above,
cheers for the help guys
thanks brian
that's 20 quid cheaper than ebay, ive just been to my local friendly tyre man, and ordered them , they,ll be there on Monday hopefully, £120 fitted,i think that's a good price,
il let you all know what I think of them soon
yes I expected that ,but they cant be as scary as ac10s in the rain,
pete; yeah fitted, I cant be arsed anymore fitting tyres,i suppose I should tho, then it,ll be easier when I get a flat out on the trails,practice make perfect so they say
I really wanted to say that but I didn't want to look like a bigger idiot than I already do,
I know what you mean tho, rather like the drag cars tyres when they accelerate obviously not as much
the tab had only been used once so it was good to go,13t fitted, and its much better 10-12mm clearance now, I don't have the plastic flap on mine. its got a thick rubber flap mounted in the usual place that is just long enough to make contact with the top of the swinger,so that helps with the clearance I guess, no protection of the swinger tho.
as for the tyres ,ive not rode it yet as the forks are off atm,
but il let you know