I'm taking delivery of my TTR on Thursday, unseen to me. I've got 800 km to do back home then, so want to fit my GPS via a 12V lighter socket.
Can someone tell me what the terminals look like so that I can prep my cables? A pic would help as well.
All the bikes I've had were a simple M6 stud coming out from the battery with a nut tightening over it.
Has 6mm bolts.... Put 6mm eyes on the wires and yer good to go...
they are just a normal gel cell / sealed motorbike battery...
Bikes... 06 TTR250 / 09 XT660R / 1977 Montesa Cota 348 MRR / 1979 Montesa H6 125 Enduro...
E-mail xtpete1@gmail.com
hi there. Both my pics are the wrong way up. The 2.6 kg the weight of the battery should be horizontal.
Tweed heads Australia.