As in the title. The standard handlebar mounts have an offset which by default sets the bars back around 5-10mm towards the rider. I've fitted some risers which also moves the bars are closer still to the rider. Can I reverse the bar mounts to move the bars forwards a smidgen Or is there a reason they're set back slightly from the steering axis?
You're a local as far as I'm concerned. Whimple is just over the hill from me.
Your TTR offers quite a bit of adjustment to suit you, the rider.
As long as the adjustments you make are safe and give you better control then DO THEM.
Moving the bar mounts round on their fixings shouldn't harm the set up. I've looked at mine just now and find that they are in the 'ahead' position. It means that the bars are closer to the front headlamp/number plate fastening but don't cause any obstruction.
If you try moving them and they don't interfere with anything then do it. Mr. Yamaha isn't going to complain any.
Be sure to report your findings to give everyone else the benefit of your trials and judgement.