Had the day off today did a ride upto gingers creek on the Oxley highway for lunch of course went the dirt way a total of 207km . Pretty rough and a bit hot but a lot of fun .
Yep spoilt for choice . Hardest part is deciding where I'm headed
After 4 years of tests doctors can't find anything wrong with Me . My balence was so bad I couldn't walk to the shed I said stuff it im riding now 400ks is a good ride even if it's a lot slower
Bugger the doctors just keep fighting and doing what you want to do till the last breath. I noticed the coke can, ohh and the pie, two things I enjoy but know they are not good for me. 400k's is a bloody big ride, I prefer shorter ones generally, you would cover some ground that's for sure.
the Oxley highway has over 300 corners with only a few straights longer than 100 meters, so there's always a lot of road bikes , with the ttr i appear out of the bush on a single track opposite ginger's creek roadhouse tends to confuse them a bit as its a long way from anywhere