Hi all, got an issue with my blue tank speedo drive, yes the speedo does work but when the dike is in the air & I turn the front wheel backward it locks up, I removed the speedo drive & inspected, cleaned it up. the worm gear or pinion had end float & I believe this is causing the lockup. To me it seems the brass threaded sleeve the speedo cable retaining nut goes on to has moved out, the distance between the step on the brass sleeve is around the same as the end float but I can't tap it back in place.
Has anyone had this issue ? am I on the right track & does the brass sleeve sit down further ?
BTW I put rego on the TTR this morning & took it for a spin, 70kms on the twistie blacktop, it ran like a dream & was a pleasure to ride
Did you take any pics to show what you think is the problem. I had to re bend the tabs to make the speedo work again, simple fix However I'm not sure its the same problem
All fixed, I marked the brass sleeve with a paint pen to see if it turned which it did, so with the bike in the air I hit the sleeve with some WD40 & tapped it with a pin punch until it was seated down into the drive hub, as suspected this stopped the end float on the worm or pinion gear & stopped it locking up when rotated backwards.
I believe when I cracked off the speedo cable nut when removing the front wheel it moved the brass sleeve, the sleeve may be retained by a small pin & if so it is broken, no big deal.
Main thing I can wheel the bike backwards without a nasty crunching sound, piece of mind for me !!!