I’m new to the site and not sure entirely if I’m doing this right?
I recently bought a ttr250, and need a metal bash plate for it, does anyone know one that would fit and work nicely?
I'm in Australia and these offer great protection and fit perfectly https://bboffroad.com.au/shop-by-product/bash-plates?cat=180&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjIKYBhC6ARIsAGEds-LlC2BGeV-Q1-p-1y2BkN1MUEESveb6OdmdRIuwws6v9bEb45yBM-0aAvwTEALw_wcB&modd=569
In the Riverina.
'73 RD250, '80 XS1100, '81 RD373LC, '96 Tiger 900/sidecar, '02 TTR250, and another XS11 - this time a chain drive Period 5 race bike that may be ready to race eventually.