How long should a chain slider last under normal conditions? I'm referring to the slider near the front spoket. Mine seems to be eating away way too soon, and the chain tension is correct, what other factors can affect this?
A 13 tooth (or smaller) front sprocket will cause faster wear.
Maybe if the rear spring is too strong for the rider weight and the suspension sits too high that might be a factor, but I think the sprocket is most likely. Stock size is 14 on the front.
Depends ?
Maybe need more data on riding surface, chain maintenance
Dirt my #1 guess for WHY
But links bind up, Mis-aligned slide (probably because of Dirt), Heat (dirty friction) all play a factor.
By the way, "normal conditions" for me are more ABnormal than I care to admit here.
Good question/comment
My guess (after all that garbage typed above) is probably 5000 miles, my 2004 has plenty left at (guessing) 1200+ miles to date ( All dirt, except few hundred feet of air )