you would be very lucky to get some , as the only come with a complete cylinder head. A forum member made some up once, not sure how he got on, as not heard from him since, shame as I think A lot of people would of benefited from them.
many thanks for your reply. I did go down the path of the man that made some but A. he did not get back to me and B. i looked at the picture he had posted of the finished product and its the other cam cap that i require. Other complications are that the one he manufactured was out of a solid billet of aluminium as compared to the original being a composition of metals (aluminium being the primary and magnesium being a secondary) I only know this as i have tried to get some cast professionally. This can be done but it outways the value of the bike and almost life itself.
In my Journey to locate the part (most of America, Australia, China, Japan, ) i have found out that there are some independent companies in Japan that offer the service to trawl through the southern Hemisphere searching for that purple unicorn that no one in western europe can obtain. Again, this information was obtained from a chap that restores AJS motorcycles and he uses this service. The flip side is that 1 component cost the same as a 100 components, as they have to make it worthwhile.
However if there is a demand for these parts i might consider making the investment and import some over.
In the meantime if something does pop up please let me know.