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Post Info TOPIC: Anyone accessing the forum with Firefox? And other forum access issues...

Super Guru

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Anyone accessing the forum with Firefox? And other forum access issues...

One of our members can't get into the forum through Firefox.

He gets this message:

"The owner of www.ttr250.activeboard.com has configured their web site improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this web site.

This site uses HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) to specify that Firefox only connect to it securely. As a result, it is not possible to add an exception for this certificate."

Has anyone else using (or trying to use) Firefox experienced this please?



Exeter, Devon, UK

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RE: Anyone accessing the forum with Firefox?

I use Firefox and have no issues.


I did have issues with HSTS and Ebay - I just circumvented the issue without understanding or analyzing the prob.


Super Guru

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Posts: 2610

I have always used Firefox and have only had problems showing Emoticons - easily solved by using a switching provided in the display set up

FF show.jpg

I've also used Internet Explorer, Bing,  Yahoo and a host of others with no problems



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East Budleigh. Devon

Super Guru

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I always use Firefox as well, no issues at all

Cheers Terry


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Super Guru

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Martyn I see you have the security "padlock exclamation mark" too. My browser shows this for the ttr forum and the Devon trf forum - both from the same source?
I can access both via links from, for eg, totallyttrs shop site, but if I try to enter via recent history Firefox won't let me in. Weird. If I try to customize, Firefox tells me exceptions cannot be made for this site.
As I can get onto the site by other routes to normal, I'll just alter my habits, but I would like to know what has changed.
Computers. If they ran on petrol maybe I'd have more chance of working it out!


Super Guru

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Posts: 2610

Simon, those padlock symbols in the  box give an indication to you that protocols "to protect you" have been set by Firefox.

They can be altered, however.

If you right click on one of the icons a box a box opens and gives options that can be altered to your choice.

                             screen shot.jpg

I can't remeber exactly which one I altered but one of them let me put the emoticons on my postings which were not allowed to me by Firefox originally.



You're never too old to learn something stupid

East Budleigh. Devon

Super Guru

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All of a sudden I can now access the forum by clicking on recent history again. I have done nothing with the settings myself, so who knows what happened?


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This is because you don't have HTTPS enabled for the forum. Technically this means the site is insecure and any passwords submitted during login could be intercepted using a man in the middle attack. The browser is trying to protect you from the site because this is a security issue.

The fix is to generate an SSL certificate and install it in the web server.


Super Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 1437

Thanks for the explaination.

So what has changed? Presumably the site administrator would have had to act? But he hasn't, to my knowledge.

And why could I enter via the link in totallyttrs site, but not by clicking on my recent history, or by typing the address in manually?

-- Edited by mossproof on Sunday 22nd of September 2019 06:24:47 PM


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Browsers incrementally become less accepting of security risks online. My guess is a recent (probably automatic) update is what changed.

The issue is not the browser though, it's with the site!


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mossproof - I'm not sure. It's possible that because you have a login cookie cached and visited a page from your history then the browser assumes you won't be transmitting sensitive information in the form of login details like you would do if you were sitting at the login page and the form was blank..


Super Guru

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Posts: 1437

It's all a mystery to me! If Brian has not altered the site, and nobody else had the problem anyway, why does my computer hate me so?

-- Edited by mossproof on Sunday 22nd of September 2019 06:30:23 PM


Super Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 8615
Anyone accessing the forum with Firefox? And other forum access issues...

LOL - I am sure the technology isn't just picking on you Simon smile

I have been swanning around Scotland for the last fortnight in our camper van with limited access to the interweb so promise that I haven't altered any forum settings.

It's a shame that ActiveBoard hasn't made any changes to make their forums more accessible on mobile phones. I find it such a faff that I don't try any more hence this is my first easy access to the forum on a proper PC with a decent-sized screen since 13th September!



Exeter, Devon, UK

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I get security warnings when I access by phone, are you sure you wish to proceed etc.. By computer no probs.

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