Went out with a couple of mates, I was leading so we hit as many summer tracks as possible in the short period as I had to be home by 1.30pm
I had the Gopro 3 on my helmet & gopro 2 on a RAM mount facing to the rear. If I had the time I could blend the front & rear videos but time is an issue & lack of skill to edit as well.
So what you guys think of the rear facing camera ? Was speaking to Janos what was behind on the WR450R he needed to be closer, his response was I was only 1 second behind & you need to slow up we we can follow !! HaHa I replied with what happens when I get a WR250F !!!
Mind you I can just stay in front on the TTR, WRR just makes it easier
Been thinking of interesting positions for the camera, any suggestions ? be kind