Don't worry..... yous are not missing much... Other than the colour it looks the same as the current XT250 thats been around for a few years now...
Thats the motor they should have stoped making not the TTR motor...
Last year we had 3 guys come up to the Flinders ranges with XT250's They were shocking & just not up to the job, I guy traded up to a KLX250/300, the other to a DRZ400 & the 3rd gave it away all together.
I don't understand Yamaha going the way of the XT250, the WRR was euro3 & a ripper bike, the TTR is so much better than the XT250 in every way apart from MPG
Yamaha have always been right up towards the top of the dirt riding tree here in Australia 2nd to KTM but if that's the path they are taking Yamaha will drop down the order.
Glad I have both a WRR & TTR, best of all I bought them new