I was servicing the rear linkage and when doing up the bottom shock yoke bolt it wouldn't tighten, pulled it out and out came the thread.
I'm guessing its too thin to helicoil, and a longer bolt with a nut on the end would probably foul the suspension. There is no thread inside the yoke, its completely smooth.
Im guessing a new yoke is the solution? However I'm leading a big ride next weekend and I'm not sure I could get one in time. Probably have to buy a whole suspension unit.
Anyone had this happen and fixed the yoke that was threaded? I think the yoke is ali and the bolt steel. Otherwise I could tack weld it perhaps.
I stripped mine 2 days before going to Spain to ride the trans pyreneean. I found a fine thread nut and bolt the right size and cut the nut and the head of the bolt in half to improve the clearance. They're still there 3000km later!
If you hear a clunking on compressing the suspension, it'll probably be the nut or exposed thread catching, as the lowering link can float left/right a bit. Just take a bit more off, should be fine.
Ride safe,