I recently purchased an 02 ttr250 that had been sitting for a couple years. It had an fmf exhaust and top of airbox cut up, but factory jets in carb. I replaced the exhaust and airbox with factory items then cleaned the carb. Had to replace all orings, accelerator pump diaphragm, needle and seat. The mixture screw was set at 2.5 turns so I put it back there. I noticed when testing the accelerator pump that the stream sprays into the side of the carb rather than down the "throat" is this normal?.
The reason I ask is the bike runs great except for a bog when first applying throttle from an idle and some surging at low rpms. The bog and surging is so bad that I have trouble enjoying the bike and find myself not wanting to ride it. If its not the accelerator pump stream could it be the lean factory jetting, or maybe the needle heignt not set right ( I dont know the factory location for the needle and the PO may have changed it).