Hi guys, I am not very happy because I hardly can find anything on the internet for my 1995 Open Enduro. I hope I won't regret buying this old bike. There are parts for later models (1999 upwards) but nothing for old TTRs. My question is are the fork gaiters the same on '99-08 models as on my 1995's?
A lot of after-market parts (such as the All Balls kits) are made in America and the TTR wasn't an official import there until 1999. I think imports to America ceased in 2006. So adverts for TTR250 parts quite often say 1999-2006
Ignore this as most parts are suitable for all years and models from 1993 to 2011 or whenever the last TTR ran off the production line
Gaiters are the same for all years and models. See here for example.
I don't think there is any part or accessory for your 1995 model that Steve doesn't keep on the shelf at Totally TTRs
That is releif and nice to be a member of this forum. I am going to check Totally TTRs or drop a message here first before trying to buy accessories on Ebay. I have got three other motorcycles but am pretty enthusiastic about this little dirt bike now and going to furbish it in the winter. So I may still appear on this site sometimes in the near future. Cheers, Balint
I too have an OE 1995. I get all my gear from www.totallyttrs.com
The owner is really helpful and knows what will and wont work. This forum is testament to the passion that is TTR!
The gaitors are a prime example showing Ebay can often be more expensive and not necessarily the right stuff...I have found this to my detriment when purchasing xt225 parts in the past.
When did you get the TTR lets have some pics!