I just picked-up a 1999 TTR-250, put a new rear tire on the back and when I was tightening my rear axle, the snail-shaped chain adjuster on the castle nut side starts to slip when I get close to the torque spec. I'm thinking either the notches are worn down too much on the adjuster or there the washer that goes between the adjuster and the nut is grabbing the adjuster and twisting it when there is too much pressure.
Has anyone had this problem?
1. Buy a new set of adjusters and see if this does the trick?
2. Put some lube between the adjuster and the washer so it doesn't grab it?
Cubber - I have that same exact snail stop and you are correct, it should stop it but when I get to the torque spec 75 ft lbs, the snail gets pulled with the turning of the nut and washer. Maybe the axle isn't seated parallel?
this may help, I always place the shaft of a screwdriver in between the chain and teeth of the rear sprocket and gently turn the wheel to place some 'pulling' tension on the chain....no more moving wheels whilst tightening up.
I notice something different on your photos. Your snails are on the opposite side as mine. I bet this make a difference when tightening them since the it gets larger vs smaller.