Just bought '55 plate (pics in new joiners) and I noticed the h/l bulb was gone when I picked it up so the garage fitted a new one. Now I notice that has gone already, after just ~100 miles.
Any faults I should look for or are they a bit prone to going? All other electrics work fine.
A loose bulb/headlight will blow also if you touch the glass with your fingers it creates hotspots resulting in a blown bulb wipe off any fingerprints with tissue and metho
It was the earth connection. As the main bulb holder is all plastic, there is just a small earth connection that is made from a copper loop onto the base of the bulb casing and this just wasn't touching very well. I pushed a small flat bladed jewellers screwdriver into the copper loop and twisted to open it up slightly and that has cured it, for the moment at least.
The bulb holder looks a bit mashed, so I'm going to start looking for a replacement.
BTW, went into Halfords to get a replacement bulb and came away with two! Both are BA20D fitment, one is a standard 395 and the other is a 417 halogen alternative.
Still got headlamp bulb holder problems, all to do with the earth connector.
I've now soldered some copper wire to the original earth piece and looped it around and into the bulb socket. Hoping it holds-up for a little while at least.
I've tried Fowlers on-line for a replacement holder but what they show for the TT250R looks like some sort of later Halogen fitting - nothing like what I've got.
I've also got a query in with Totally TTRs, so perhaps they'll be able to help...
Sure, if I get a chance tonight I'm going to dismantle again and get some photos and see if there is a part number on it - Totally TTRs have asked for more info.
I'm pretty sure it's original as it takes the strange BA20D fitment, as mentioned on the TTR250 FAQ web-site, that is the standard 'blue' open enduro UK model.
Ah, many thanks for that - it's like the second picture above, with the yellow, green and black wires.
I've seen that parts diagram on the Fowlers site and that shows what looks like an H4 bulb, which I certainly haven't got, and part 4 is nothing like what I've got - just as in the second picture above there is a big rubber 'boot' that goes over the whole thing and that the wires go through to connect to the bulb holder.
What's happened to mine is to do with the earth connection.
The spade that the black wire connects to is on a piece of copper that extends down the bulb holder to emerge next to the glass of the bulb, where it is meant to contact the metal body of the bulb and make the earth connection. However, that piece of copper has broken off inside the holder so that it doesn't reach as far as the bulb body.