A few days ago I changed the piston rings. When I put everything back together, the bike ran fine - the mechanical parts at least. However, the odometer refuses to turn on, and the left/right signals do not work. N indicator still work, as well as the head light. When I signal left/right, the signal indicator turns on but doesn't flash on/off like it should, while the signal lights just do not turn on at all.
My guess is I must have disturbed the wiring/connectors somehow when I installed the gas tank. Can anyone give me an advice on this?
Sorry but it sounds as though you are going to have to take the tank off again. I have arrowed the indicator/flasher unit in the photo below.
Non-Raid owners may spot the extra flasher unit which operates the hazard warning lights on the Raid and some OEs
Just check all the connections in that area are clean and the wires/terminals firm. Try and use some aerosol contact cleaner inside both parts of each connector if you have some.
I can't think what connector under the tank will affect the speedo so just make sure they are all OK I guess!
It is sometimes possible to identify which connector is the problem by wiggling around the wires and see if any particular set makes a difference.
Check its all working before putting the tank back on.
Wow i wish my wires are as clean as yours!
I am no electrician, so I shook and unplugged everything until the lights flash again. Replaced some connectors, problem fixed!