I'm new here and new to the whole trail riding idea. Never owned a motorcycle and looking at purchasing my first bike. I'm privileged to live in the remote parts of botswana so would mainly use the bike to look for tar roads(Just kidding we have aproximately 11 different tar roads in our town haha). Trails here are endless and we can actually ride where wild animals roam( elephant buffalo and all the stuff people pay lots of money to come and see each year) which I think personally will make it so much more fun exploring.
If all goes well I'll be picking up a 2005 ttr 11th of January. Anything specific I should look for? Attached is a picture of the bike. She is a spotless beaut!
Thats a South-African number plate. We dont find nice bikes like that in Botswana. I will be driving over 1000km to pick her up.
Cubber I'll make sure I miss the elephants I promise. Hope everyone is okay with me asking lots of questions in about two weeks time. She will need to get camping ready and soon!
Wynad, Welcome to the best site out around for the 250. Great place to learn about a fairly easy bike to work on. From the looks of your bike, it won't need anything but some seat time. These bikes are fairly tall, so for a first bike that is sometimes a issue for new riders. The solution is easy. Don't fall.
Wynad, Welcome to the best site out around for the 250. Great place to learn about a fairly easy bike to work on. From the looks of your bike, it won't need anything but some seat time. These bikes are fairly tall, so for a first bike that is sometimes a issue for new riders. The solution is easy. Don't fall.
Have fun reading and ride safe!
Hi Greg
I carefully selected a bike because of my length. Im 1.97m(think thats around 6'4") tall but quite a skinny guy. Was specifically looking for smaller dual sport and it seems on smaller bikes us tall guys tend to run out of luck very quickly.
Came upon a ttr250 on gumtree( was also a mint condition one but the guy sold it unfortunaley with only 1500km on the clock), started reading up and only read good things on it so far. I'd say I'm not too bad at swinging a wrench and needed something fairly bulletproof and easy to work on and this is the only bike that fits all of the criteria.