Evening all, just got myself a not so shiny ttr. She's a bit rough around the edges but worse still she won't fire up!
So the plan is the get her fixed up and get her dirty!(could do with a bit of help though.)
Previous owner aid he has had it off a mate who stripped it down but thinks it's not been put back together correctly. I have no idea where to start though.
Any hints aNd tips welcome and hopefully you guys for a ttr ride out when she's running
He wasn't specific but I would imagine engine buy the sounds of it. The chap I got the bike off thought I might be something simplethat's not been put back togther correctly. Problem is I'm a noob at engines so im starting a fresh getting her running
Hi mike your post is in repair maintenance stickies section best bet is to move to repair maintenance section for more help as it is appearing on page 2 of current section its posted in ..welcome to forum 😊