I just bought a TTR250 that my husband should bring back home tonight . For now it is too tall for me. I can't ride it!
It will replace my Honda XR 125, which is superb but too slow. I wanted more power! And speed!
Anyhow, in the next few days I will be looking to buy a kouba link and get my seat scooped out so I can ride this "big horse" :)
I will have couple of questions that I will post in adequate forum.
Welcome to the TTR Forum, Maria.
You must be a sh*****se but I'm sure you will manage.
You're never too old to learn something stupid
East Budleigh. Devon
Welcome into the fold Maria. Mr TTR (BrianTTRfan) sells 2" lowering links in his shop CLICK
Pete. South Somerset, England.
Hi Maria and welcome to the forum!
Nice to have you on board
Exeter, Devon, UKhttp://www.ttr250.com - The one and only dedicated TTR250 FAQ!
TIP: For easy viewing bookmark the "Recent Posts" view - http://ttr250.activeboard.com/p/recent/
Yeah - just had a look at the web page and blog - hat off to you Maria!!!!
Your TTR is likely to be put to good use
New triplog website: www.250travel.com
It's new and under construction!!