Cheers Martyn. A run out later in the month would be great. Happy to head down to your neck of the woods. Football and playing with kids is a dangerous and foolish hobby.
Twer a crackin day out Grommet Thanks Steve for taking us out watch this space for vid an pic's hears some quick pic's I pulled off lots more will edit up the vid sunday nice to meet you all
Mechanical problems on a ttr.............I don't think so! Just rider error hahaha
I did lose one of my wind breaks off my hand guards! Exhaust 'twas great so was the straight foot brake ! Thanks for your help, you have to come next time
No but one of the grandkids is a bit special and he scaled the fence and tried to get on the moving mini train at one point! Plus he slapped the backside of an unsuspecting chap which was interesting....
No but one of the grandkids is a bit special and he scaled the fence and tried to get on the moving mini train at one point! Plus he slapped the backside of an unsuspecting chap which was interesting....
All round save and well Brian was a bit whiff of burnt engine oil in the air at the back of the pack from more than one bike think you will be selling some pistons an ring kits soon. me an Oly road the bikes to Steve's for the start as we was close so miles covered came out for me at 123 miles round trip door to door. I will report that the XT644 army tires are now to low on tread for the lanes was a wee bit hard work on the wet mud so 3600 miles on a set front an back there is 1000 plus road miles left on them but time for a new set me thinks. the TTr seams to do them in quicker than the Bmw 650 Dakar did with a set lasting 5000 miles on that but that was 98% road work so the lane's rub them down quicker
Hears the video's chaps three Badgers carnage on Angels steps and a new one on me a Kfc moment a day out in 7 videos from cam run time door to door close to 10 hours shot at 720p on the helmet cam as said before youtube is not the best for showing them off
It's a thing that I have been fighting for years brian pc's and anything on them plugged into them just seam to fu** up not work or like to me and give me hard time getting anything out of them. where as give me anything mechanical and it just respond's to me as for instance that new drop link took me 10 min's to fit an 1 or 2 min's of that was taking off the seat and side panels and putting them back on suppose you have to be lucky with something's. I have not cut the old seat down yet as want to try it as is just the drop link before I do as I mite not need to but like the look of the black seat
If you look closely a wayward chicken tries to kill him by running across his path flapping its wings like a crazed lunatic ha. Chickens are psychos you can't trust em, never mind badgers...
Steve on the 6th vid about 17min in Kfc surprise mind I had a lucky dog last year out on me xr and a bad badger all in one day that off was a hard hit on the ground
Steve on the 6th vid about 17min in Kfc surprise mind I had a lucky dog last year out on me xr and a bad badger all in one day that off was a hard hit on the ground
Tim having a bad time with Emails PM and the pc full stop at this time so hears a pic of the IM 65 I was on about Sarurday open to offers before it hits ebay