apart from dropping my machine a number of times trying to get on it I have once or twice tried to bump start it but I just could not get on the bloody seat because it's just too bloody high. I have also seriously thought of having my riding boot soles and heels increased in height and i'm almost 6' tall. not to mention the gymnastics involved throwing your leg over the saddle.
In neutral, push the bike forward a yard, foot on peg (correct leg for the peg) and vault on. 100 times easier than the way everybody does it stationary and once you get practiced at it you can do it stationary as well. Once you get really good you can get off that way as well!
My Mrs has just spent a fortune getting her TTR lowered only to find that it is still too tall. Hence I have inherited it and now have to reverse the lowering. There will soon be a lowering link (used for 2 rides) and maybe a lowered seat up for sale. May consider swap + cash for seat (it cost £200 to be scooped and recovered). Get in touch if interested.
Like you I'm not much under 6 foot I had the TTR over a year and put a lowering link on it just over a month back best money I have spent on it feet now flat on the ground no problem do it get one I dropped my bike 5-6 times because of the height before getting the drop link
My Mrs has just spent a fortune getting her TTR lowered only to find that it is still too tall. Hence I have inherited it and now have to reverse the lowering. There will soon be a lowering link (used for 2 rides) and maybe a lowered seat up for sale. May consider swap + cash for seat (it cost £200 to be scooped and recovered). Get in touch if interested.
Sorry to hear that Maria didn't manage to get the TTR low enough for her but the good news is that you now have a TTR so welcome to the forum!
PS I woke up last night to find the ghost of Gloria Gaynor standing at the foot of my bed. At first I was afraid.......then I was petrified.