My tank has abit of play when straped to the frame. About half an inch or abit less. I would have thought its suppose to hold the tank more securely. The round rubber thats on the frame is in good nick. i can lift the rear of the tank when the straps on. Its as if the straps a tiny bit to long. Anyone else got movement at the rear of the tank.the photos are of the way the strap came of.
Thanks martyn i will give the extra pad ago. I dont like the thought of the tank banging around on trails as have read of the blue tanks and cracks in them.
That extra packing onto the frame (rubber. Pad ) did the job. Tanks secure now with only abit of movement from the front mounts and the rear pad. I noticed that on hard bumps the tank may off even hit the frame on the right hand side. The pad gave more gap. The gaps not as large as in the photo , thats just where it was to close for comfort.
If the pad has squashed up, or spun around, you could probably get around the "slapping" problem by judicious use of some plumber's pipe lagging tied to the top tube - nobody's going to see it!