Is there any way around paying then dollars a piece for the specialized fasteners totalling 30 dollars to mount the air cleaner cover?
I couldn't find any at a sensible price in the UK either
If someone else has a source then please share it with us
Exeter, Devon, UK - The one and only dedicated TTR250 FAQ!
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There are some on eBay currently
HERE at £2.50 each
Any good?
You're never too old to learn something stupid
East Budleigh. Devon
Now all I need is stock dimensions, any takers?
The overall length of the Dzus fastener on my airbox is 1.129 inches or 28.67 mm
The stud length is 0.940 ins or 23.88 mm
Top of stud is 0.469 ins or 11.93 mm
Loop diameter is 0.945 ins or 24.02 mm
We do our best
Can you please feedback exactly what you buy (if they fit!) so that we all know and I can add it to the FAQ
Ta muchly