Hi, Im 40 yrs old, Iv just purchased a TTR 250 4GY. I was juggling between an XR250 Baja, but after reading this forum and the website I am now sure I v made the ride choice. sitting in my garage is a modified one seater bandit 1200 and a Modenas Kriss 110. The lack of power from the modenas was the reason to upgrade a commuter bike. The pot holed riddled roads we have in Malta also coaxed my decision for a TTR.
I am pleased with the TTR and been riding it every day for the past two weeks.
I really enjoyed reading TTR250.com it is jam packed with very helpful advice :)
Anyone have ever been to Malta in winter ? its a death trap riding in wet conditions here. Its already slippery in the dry let alone in the wet. I v read TTR250.com tyre sticky, helpful, but I need sound advice since our roads are..what they are :)
I would like to purchase a new set. My intentions are daily commuting to work 90 % and a bit of green laning now and then 10 %. we do not have muddy plains..more like loose grit and hard stones in the very few "green lanes" we have.
Iv googled Dunlop D605 Bridgestone Tw302 and Pirelli Mt scorpion. Does anyone has a good advice for on road with a bit green laning, choice of tyres grippy on hard road? Soft tyre options are considered since in Malta they last long :P sz 3.00 x 21" front 4.60 x 18 " rear
A lot depends on what tyres you can buy locally as the shipping costs to Malta can be very high
If you are not doing a high road mileage then what about a MITAS ET-01 on the rear? It has a similar tread pattern to the very popular Pirelli MT43 but has softer rubber and is a lot grippier. Not suitable for high speeds and heavier bikes as it can get a bit "squirrelly" over 60mph
I have found that a knobbly front tyre will grip as well on the road as off road giving you a wider choice.
I v been looking into this Mitas Et-01 but it seems that they do them only 4.00 18 rear and 2.75 21 front. TTR250 1994 models have 4.60 rear and 3.00 front.
I v contacted Mitas via their contact page to ask their advice regarding grippy 4.6 and 3.0 but they did not reply yet
If anybody has some nice feedback on particular brand of tyres let me know As I said I need them for slippery roads, Bitumen in Malta is like polished marbel.
For an assortment of motorcycle supplies and good advice on tyres for Maltese 'tarmac,' I've found that Stephen Cremona (Motor Cycle Centre, Triq Sir Arthur Borton at 35°54'51.47"N 14°25'22.22" in Mosta, MST 1884) is the go-to-guy tyre supplier. Contactable on 21430060 or 99472293.