hi I just recently aquired my first ttr a 94 oe was first registered in uk in 2002 .Had a couple of offroad bikes in the past aprilla trials bike and a ktm road legal enduro I stumbled across this site a while ago and to be honest was amazed at the info and excellent contributions from members and after a bit of lurking around as a guest decided that a ttr was a bike that I would like to purchase so now i got one here I am ! The bike itself I picked up for a fair price and at purchase realised that it had a nasty clonk on shutdown which i assumed from reading up was the sprag clutch I took a gamble based on the condition of bike and knew it hadnt been used in a long while so to cut along story short it was a little bit more than i anticipated but after a new starter a couple of idler gears gasket oil filter and oil and a little reading and some help and advice from the main man Brian all seems a lot better! Ive learnt a few things this week about the ttr and I also learned I cant count ! thats just between me and Brian though oh and mrs Brian and my starter gears which strangely multiplied teeth on my every count ! ah well a learning curve ! a pic how i got it so far its all on the inside so take heed dont ignore a worn sprag like my PO probably did
well I hope to be around and be part of this fabulous site which is a credit to mods and all you fellow contributors ....I probably got some questions so ill hopefully put them in the correct place
cheers Dom
-- Edited by hanzo on Tuesday 22nd of April 2014 01:48:01 AM
Welcome Dom! Glad to have you aboard. Thanks for the picture and hope you have fun in this place. Brian is a whiz at this bike and like so many others here, I know you will find answers to most of your questions, ...COUNT on that! ENJOY!
Yes brian all back together everything thourougly cleaned out and everything meshing nicely fresh oil and that horrible clonk replaced with a far more gentler click discovered the header was minus a gasket so sent you an order I can definately count that part properly i only needed the one digit! Thanks for your help on the counting i would have stumbled on without your past expeirience on that scenario and the links to fitting sprag and starter removal were a great help to my limited knowledge . your flywheel holding tool in your pictorial is intesting not seen nothing similar anywhere did you make it from something else ?
The "tool" shown in the pics is actually an old plumbers "basin" wrench picked up at a car boot sale and ground down to fit. Not perfect but makes the job easier.
You don't need the tool to get the flywheel off when using the Buzzeti-type flywheel puller but you need something to hold the flywheel when torquing up the flywheel bolt at the end of the job.
I thought it was I said to my mate thats what it looked like yeah took off the fly with impact wrench and puller fitting back was the issue .My freind came up with a solution in the shape of some coilover spanners he is an exceptional subaru mechanic /specialist and also supplied me with a torque wrench he always comes good and has a few tricks of the trade up his sleeve he laughed though when i said im sure brian has a basin wrench slightly modified !!!