I thought you might like to see a recent trip I undertook to Europe and the problems we faced.(Lots of repairs!!) There are 09 episodes in total...all with an alternative sense of humour- as I complete the other episodes-.(1/9 & 2/9 out now) they will be posted up. The vids are best watched with copious amounts of beer...or when the weather is too bad to ride! If you want to subscribe- then you will get the latest videos. Should all be out within 1 week....hope you enjoy them- do comment & share.
OK people! Here's ep3 this covers Hungary Slovakia & the famous Transfăgărășan in Romania...but Sniperos bike has a problem!...watch out for the wedding scene! & an exciting melon scene! Have a good weekend everyone...next episode out tomorrow
OK- if you are following on this site & don't have time to subscribe on Youtube- here is episode 04
ROMANIA ,BULGARIA, VARNA, BULGARIAN POLICE & the BULGARIAN INTERIOR Episode 4 - The Romanian/Bulgarian border proves later to be quite an important checkpoint, after wild boar or sniper playing the pink oboe keep me awake at night- we travel through the mountains only to discover the trip takes a terrible turn....please prepare to shout out when the title of the series is mentioned
Episode 05 is out for YOUTUBE subscribers tonight- after TOPGEAR ( 2100hrs UK time)- its got a great location & is my favourite
For those subscribed- completed and live- episode 05 of 09 & its my favourite for location.
Blowfelds Lair (James Bond) finally discovered- its official! SOFIA & THE BRITISH CONSULATE -Ep5 - My darkest hour but not through lack of washing..we travel through the Bulgarian Interior...without meeting Sue Bo singing about "wild horses"- result
If you haven't and you would like to subscribe-(free)
For those who have not had a chance to subscribe yet- here is ep 05
Blowfelds Lair (James Bond) finally discovered- its official! SOFIA & THE BRITISH CONSULATE -Ep5 - My darkest hour but not through lack of washing..we travel through the Bulgarian Interior...without meeting Sue Bo singing about "wild horses"- result
EP 06 The Spine of GREECE,SOUTHERN ITALY & POMPEII- Ep6/9 - riding from Bari- we head west, claiming our EU rebate back (personally) by guzzling grapes along the way...again the bike gremlins catch up with Snipero...but I get to grease his passage at the border!
The Spine of GREECE,SOUTHERN ITALY & POMPEII- 3eyes,2bikes,&1passport-Ep6/9 - riding from Bari- we head west, claiming our EU rebate back (personally) by guzzling grapes along the way...The bike gremlins won't release their grip on "Sir Snip-a-lot" though-
for those subscribed- Ep 07 is due live shortly- you should get it in your inbox!
Ok- for those that have subscribed- Ive pulled my finger out tonight- there are 2 episodes ...one now (1800hrs) & one very shortly ( about 1900 hrs UK time)
EP 07 ITALY-MONTE CASINO,ROME,PISA,LAKE GARDA & THE FRENCH ALPS 7/9- can you guess what happens in the Alps with Snipero or the jiving beggar in Pisa- The Dury's out!- monte casino was delightful and sad in equal measures...get your history fix here!
EP08 The ALPS, FRANCE, PARIS -Ep8/9 - The split that launches Sniper into solo time travel adventure - without a passport, our hero gets into an extra country...achieving a personal best!....surely nothing can go wrong with my bike
Its time for episode 09- the last episode....after this its over...( I will be posting more vids, next one out in a week- once I have recovered!)...outtakes, responses and future plans..but you will have to subscribe if you want to see them or take up the challenge!...of course im here to reply & chat as before, but I cant keep posting vids here!- the mods may do me over!
Its been a pleasure to deliver these to you- I've really enjoyed replying back - thank you all from me & the man known as Sniper!- until the next time!
LYON,PARIS & YORK 3eyes,2bikes,&1passport-Ep9/9 - The combination of the French long weekend, where everything closes, forces a bodge to eclipse previous bodges & we limp to Paris. After getting sorted out properly, Sniper is in for a Champs-Elysees shock as he rides around the Arc de Triomphe & I get a video 1st!...
Out about 19.30hrs UK Thanks again!...your chance to comment is minutes away!
I really enjoyed your series of vids Rod - thank you very much for sharing with us
If you ever buy a TTR we will be here to help.
Where are you going next?
Brian- the pleasure (finally) has been mine- I love responding to the comments & discussions and hope it inspires someone.
I have two potential destinations, but I would like to change the format a bit with the cast.
Ideally, I need 1 or 2 "oldish" Raids (given their larger tank)- I narrowly missed one 4 weeks ago ...when I get one/two, unfortunately...you will wish you had not offered your kind help!
Excellent work there Rod! I've thoroughly enjoyed watching those installments. I hope you've sent it to Austin to get it shown at the ATFF.
Giles- thank you for your comments-
I have not sent it to Austin- but will be speaking with him shortly. Have you been to the ATFF- I have not, but gather it is a good knees up!
If you are attending the HUBB this year- the one & only -Sniper- will be there, offering tips & tricks on why maintaining your bike is an unnecessary chore!
OK people- if you are up for a challenge(big mistake)April 01st 2015 seems like a good date...gives people 06 months to organise their "stuff" interested in a similar trip to a new destination ...contact me...its on the drawing board! ( 30 days duration) ..video will take place so you must be no more ugly than me!...and be prepared to be videod..for the sake of motorcycling! I was after a TTR(old school)- but with the extra kit im to carry ( camera etc) its just not viable...but for other (contestants!!) it certainly will be.!
-- Edited by RodYorkttr on Wednesday 8th of October 2014 10:57:23 PM