Πριν από τα Χριστούγεννα 2013 αγόρασα ένα Yamaha 1998 TTR 250 OE. Είχε παραμεληθεί έτσι αποκαταστάθηκε και εξατομικευμένες. Ο προηγούμενος ιδιοκτήτης (o Τάσος) έγραψε ένα 'blog'..., είναι σε δύο μέρη και δεν περιέχει διάφορες 'links' που τόσο Ελληνικό μέλη και άλλοι μπορεί να βρείτε ενδιαφέρον!
Prior to Christmas 2013 I purchased a 1998 Yamaha TTR 250 OE. It had been neglected (and nicknamed 'Granny'!) so was restored and customised. The previous owner 'Tasos' wrote a blog......it is in two parts and contains various 'links' which both Greek members and others may find interesting!
I am currently changing certain components and re-shodding with a pair of Michelin T63s from Wheel City in Athens who I can highly recommend.
Xrόνια Πολλά ! (May you live many years/Happy New Year !)
It is nice.....and comfortable......but the 'bum-stop' is a little too far forward for my liking and the front just a tad low. I'm planning to get it modified making it more like a standard seat profile at the shop in Athens (Greece) who originally did the work but still keeping the colour scheme for now....
1998 TTR 250 OE Custom Paint Job/Stainless Steel Footpegs, Polisport Hand Guards, Custom Seat, 13 T front sprocket, Wavy F/R Discs, KIWAV short compact mirrors,YUASA battery,Michelin T63 On/Off Enduro Tyres, Twin Air Filter, FMF Powercore 2 muffler