Here's a pic of my last oil filter. It has bits in it, which I suppose means it did the job but I'll admit to being a bit horrified. Most are black but a few are metallic. I can't draw them out with a magnet so I guess they're either squeezed in really tight or non ferric.
Anyone seen the like or have any ideas as to the source, cause or a prognosis. Does it means there's more in the oil pump?
It didn't come out all bashed like that, by the way. That was me and a mate investigating. He reckons I should pull the clutch cover off and see if there's other chunks lying around or blocking anything.
I also would be worried at that site. Maybe abit of timing chain tensioner wear. But im guessing. Hope it turns out to be a simple fix. We all want our TTRs running well at a low cost.
That is pretty normal other than the little black bits. Metal shaving is absolutely normal unless excessive material is found. Yours looks minimal so there nothing to worry about other than changing that oil filter.
2000 TT-R250M-
Ported & polished, 73mm bore, Wizeco piston, US header pipe, FMF Q4, #150 main jet, #52.5 pilot jet, throttle stop screw adjusted, larger snorkel, GYT-R air filter, NGK Iridium spark plug, 14/51 gearing, NOS +
Something to keep in mined.. Any filter that is hi flow usaly dose not filter as well.. for it to be hi flow it has to have a more open weave... I won't go near after market re-useable oil filters... "or K&N style air filter in a dirt bike"
The motor lives or dies on it's oil...
-- Edited by petenz on Wednesday 25th of September 2013 11:42:06 PM
It's running fine now so I'll see what I find in the present filter.
Cam chain tensioner. Good call. I was wondering about what was black that could take a beating.
I had been on trip which had the bike taking a bit of a lugging. Fuel mixture was wrong and it wasn't happy.
Calming words from Jarrah. I'm new to that type of filter. Previously used paper ones so maybe they didn't show up as well.
Oil change soon so I'll let you know what else I find.