Lowered seat gone wrong. Before i totally destroy it im taking it to an upolstery shop. had a test run with a electric carving knife. Think it was under powered or blunt blades. Will post pic when returned from shop. Prob late august. Using an iphone to post pics. Some go upside down. Maybe because im in australia. .
Ok thanks i will try that . Im really a short bloke so needed the seat heaps lower. Mainly for bush riding. I only weigh about 65--70 kg. so i have extra horsepower over larger guys. Will try and post a pic of the battery and wire trick in about 24 hours. I still have to wait to lend my mates stappler in a week or so to place the cover back on. But i can take a pic of someone streching it over in the meantime.
I lowered my ttr seat, I found that using a large wire brush worked perfectly, it may take a bit longer but it never takes out too much foam with a stroke of the brush and you can shape it to exactly what suit your needs.