You obviously enjoyed yourselves today. Well done, despite the orange one!
I endorse your comment regarding the TRF, Adrian. We have a very active section here in Devon and the lanes are ridden a lot as a result. We even get to ride in Cornwall and Somerset too.
A TRF rider will be able to show you the legal trails and keep you advised on where to go, what to go with and helpful advice on riding technique and machine preparation.
The National TRF site is HERE and on it you can find a link to your nearest section for contact details.
Sorry, nothing's wrong with the orange variety - but the Devon TRF guys have this banter going regarding we TTR Blues, the Red Hondas, the Green Kwackers and generally rag each other's bikes at the drop of a hat.
Seeing the orange mixed with the blue and whites in your group shot made me react - I apologise if it's upset anyone.
In all honesty, as long as it's got two wheels it's OK by me.
PS - the Orange variety have been known to have problems with stands, unlike TTRs
Thanks all for your comments Martyn you have upset the proud owner of the orange one dyziek_666 (Michael) just got that few weeks ago and he's lovin it and dont forget he done very well on lane with only ROAD TYRES on it def will look @ TRF site Peter