i was wonder what the possable problems would be if i cant get bike to idle except for at half choke to full choke. if i turn the choke even a slight bit past half it will die. will say it idles nice at half choke after 10 min warm up.
ok so a good carb cleaning would be in order? should i do any rejetting or mods to the carb while i have it off? ill check float hieght while i have it off also
If you find what caused the problem after trying one check then there's no need to look further.
Otherwise, you remove the carb, dismantle it, clean it, re jet it, amend the float height, renew the filter, adjust the mixture, etc. etc. and it runs worse than before - then what caused it?
1st check the jet is clear - then try it. If it's not mended then progress and .........
2nd check the fuel filter - then try it. If it's not mended then it's not the jet OR the filter, so ..........
3rd check the float height - then try it. If it's ..................
Good luck. You may think it's a P.I.T.B. but it gets things working with the minimum of time, expense and frustration.
If you have'nt rode it in awhile i suggest you do the above but after cleaning carburetor,also drain and flush your tank. Fitting a fuel filter is a good thing (if not already fitted).There is also two filters inside the petc0ck (where fuel tap bolts on) one for reserve and one for main fuel.
Note: You may not have to rejet it. Just make sure all jets ect are spotless first. If you look sideways at the jets you will notice small holes in them. These need to be cleaned aswell as the main hole. Clean these with a peice of the right size copper wire if really blocked. Otherwize blow them out with an air compressor. It would be a good thing to blow out all holes with an air compressor including the air mixture screw hole (located on the front ''bottom'' of the carby''.
Jets are not that expensive so if you have a few spare bucks $$$ and are close to a place to buy them (or don't mind waiting for them) go ahead and buy them.
-- Edited by barra8 on Sunday 12th of August 2012 09:16:27 AM
Favourite quote: To be old & wise first you must be young & dumb!
My own: Your never too young to learn an old trick! :)
ya 1 step at a time i got ya there. i think at least an overall cleaning and gereral maintence before i started to ride frequently. i know they havent been rode in awhile. but def on the same page with you. thnx again