At the foot of the square section down tube from the steering head is a thin plate that has a central, threaded hole in. To this hole is screwed an angle across from side to side with two threaded holes to take the front fixings of hte CRD bash plate.
The angle piece, on mine, remained fixed to the bash plate but the thin plate at the frame foot had broken. (See above)
Alain shows his method of fixing an alloy extension - down to the two fixings on the bash plate. His method, however, does not utilise the thin plate at the foot of the frame.
The small plate on mine was replaced with a more robust plate and the cross angle fixing was used to fasten the CRD plate in its original style.
A wash followed by a trip to dads bike fixing shed may be in order then. Ill have a look see when im allowed back in the shed. I take it this is s common failure?
I've just knocked up a basic bashplate out of a bit of 3mm ali scrap I had in the workshop and I had the same problem,I drilled a 6mm hole just a bit higher up on that bracket and bolted it through there.
Any chance of a photo of your home-made bash plate, armcosurfer? I am considering making one, myself, as I don't really like the after-market plates available in the U.S.
I'll take a pic tomorrow if I get time Larry, it's just a basic flat plate running under the bottom tubes with two 'wings' upswept at the front sides to protect the casings.
Yes it does,and the 'wings' are rivetted on properly-I use a hammer and buck to peen them over. 4 or 5mm plate would be better but this will do for my purposes I think.