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Post Info TOPIC: Alternative and/or bigger fuel tank options for the TTR250

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RE: Bigger tank for your TTR?

Hi Pug and thank you for the sticker challenge!

I have gone through all my photo albums that might have given me a clue as to the origin of them but have drawn a blank!

I have a vague recollection that they were in a sticker set from either D&D Graphics or Enjoy Mfg.

However, I am baffled as to how you got them on your TTR as you don't appear to have the rest of the set fitted confuse

My guess is that you have the only pair ever printed - a true one off!



Exeter, Devon, UK

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Ah nut's now it's going to be one of them thing's that spin round in your head things till you find it as said i have seen a 2nd set on a bike i just cant think when an where will have to look at a load of old ttr pic's as well now but might have been on a bike in th flesh.............




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After reading the info in this thread I have now had a Acerbis 22L tank fitted to my blue TTR.  I used a XR650L tank but only because this was the one in stock.  I believe the XR250 and XR400 tanks are exactly the same (just with different fitting kits perhaps - none of which is good for the TTR). 

Gabriel at Zen Overland (http://www.zenoverland.com) did the work for me (as I only have a shed, making the brackets etc. was a bit beyond me).  Top bloke.  As my TTR was the first one he'd done the service may not be on his website so just give him a call.  He also fabricated and fitted a bespoke pannier and rear rack for me. If anyone is interested I can post some photos.



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Alternative and/or bigger tank options for the TTR

Scruffy wrote:

If anyone is interested I can post some photos.


Yes please!

Zen Overland are good people to deal with! Do you think they would sell the fitting kits on their own?



Exeter, Devon, UK

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RE: Bigger tank for your TTR?

Here's an alternative, DR650 Tank, also it looks like an Acerbis 20l will also fit




2004 TTR250 - Highway Dirtbike Hand Guards, 38mm Bar Risers, D606 Front & Rear, Opened up Airbox with Twin Air Filter, Re-jetted Carby, B+B Bash Plate & Frame Guards, DIY 3mm Alloy Tail Tidy, 14/47 Gearing.


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did all the brackets and stuff line up/fit?




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A place called nomad tanks is worth a look they do a nice rear aux tank which can be fitted when needed and eaily removed for reg use also fairly reasonably priced 



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ttr steve wrote:


did all the brackets and stuff line up/fit?

As soon as I can get a mate with a DR to strip off his tank I will be able to better check

The reason I'm thinking DR tank is I'm going to get a DR so would be nice to have a tank handy to swop straight over

and the fact that they seem to fit so well



2004 TTR250 - Highway Dirtbike Hand Guards, 38mm Bar Risers, D606 Front & Rear, Opened up Airbox with Twin Air Filter, Re-jetted Carby, B+B Bash Plate & Frame Guards, DIY 3mm Alloy Tail Tidy, 14/47 Gearing.


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Acerbis tank fitting to a blue TTR

I'm preparing my current TTR for an extended trip, so dragged my Acerbis tank out of the shed to fit it. I bought this tank a few years ago from a forum member and it came with some brackets to allow me to fit it to the 1997 "white" TTR I had at the time although I was never entirely happy with the fitment as there was nothing to locate the seat to the tank. Here are some pics of the "old" brackets:DSCF3003.JPGDSCF3005.JPG

When I offered this up to my 2004 "blue" TTR it was clear it wasn't going to work as the mounting points on the frame are quite different between models. So after a bit of head scratching and a couple of rough car designs I decided it was going to take up too much of my time and more skill than I posess to make a decent job of mounting it.

Now as luck would have it a chance look a Zen Overland's Facebook page for some other items I noticed they had recently fitted an Acerbis to a blue TTR. Bingo! A quick call to Gabe at Zen Overland who confirmed they had cut some brackets to prep a TTR and were considering selling it as a kit, and 3 days later the prototype kit he promised arrived in the post:



Quickly setting to, the rear mount is a distinct improvement using the seat location bracket from the OE tank:


The main brackets were fitted in no time and the tank offered into place, but I immediately realised I should have put the LH frame bolt through the bracket before tightening the bracket to the tank as there is not enough clearance to do it afterwards:



This done, the tank was mounted finally, and with very minor wiggling and tweaking everything lined up perfectly first time. Time spent so far - 15 minutes!

Of course fitting a massive tank is bound to cause some minor clearance issues. On full lock both ways the standard indicators just touch the top of the tank. Not the end of the world, but an MOT fail. Easily cured by cutting some wedge-shaped spacers to tilt the indicastors up slightly. Also, on full left lock the the bolt holding the upper plastic front brake pipe guide fouled the tank. Again an MOT fail, and would eventually wear the tank. My solution was to countersink the bolt hole and fit a countersunk bolt:


All up the job took less than half an hour and has resulted in a really secure factory level fit, as you can see. I'm really happy with the result, and I know this could provide an answer to anyone looking to fit an Acerbis tank to a blue TTR:



Super Guru

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how easy is it to get to the spark plug with that tank?






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petenz wrote:

how easy is it to get to the spark plug with that tank?

I cannot comment on that as I have always removed the original tank to get to the spark plug!

The Acerbis would remove in a couple of minutes.




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Zen overland now have the tank fitting kit on their website. 



Bit steep for me at $100 au plus postage but a nice bit of kit nonetheless wink


Land Rover and now TTR tragic 


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And that's my bike pictured on the Zen Overland website. Gabriel fitted the tank for me at the same time as fitting a bespoke pannier rack.


Super Guru

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Hope to have the brackets here soon and try fitting the used Acebris tank I have here, before I start ordering new ones. Always like to check things myselfsmile




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Let us know how it goes Steve, I'd like to know how hard it is to swap tanks back and forth.


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Wish they had of made this kit last year when i fitted the larger tank to my bike :(

But anyway, my kit arrived and fitted it straight away smile

The 2 lower bolts that mount it to the frame were a bit of a pita to fit so i just drilled them out a bit to make it easier,

other than that these guys need to win the Nobel Prize for this kit.



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Thanks, great feedback! Steve I'm in if you get the kit and tank stocked.


Super Guru

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Brackets are here, will try and fit the tank in the next couple of day's and get back to you all.





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Thats excellent, how big is the tank? What model XR are they for?



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Its a 22L tank, from here www.justgastanks.com/honda-xr600-acerbis-fuel-tank/
Couldn't find any in Aus back then, but the dollar was really high so it worked out good for me.

You might have to elongate the seat bolt holes a bit, but mine were already done from the previous install so im not sure.



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Don't think the 650 is the same it has a bolt down back think you need the 400 -250 tank mine is a very old Acerbis must be one of the first for the xr probably one of the army bikes with the screw on Acerbis badge.



Super Guru

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At last!

I got around to fitting the Acebris tank yesterday, took me 45 mins start to finish (while drinking tea)smile

The kit from Gabriel at zenoverland.com is great, he does a really good jobsmile

zen brackets.jpg

I would add a little Loctite to some of the screws for a belt and braces job, but then I am a bit fussywink

Looks very nice on the bike

Acebris tank 2.jpg



Acebris tank.jpg

Hope you like itsmile Now I know it all fits I will be ordering a new Acebris tank and selling with the brackets. Brackets available separately in the shop very soon.





Super Guru

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Better call them Acerbis in your order Steve
Bike looks nice with the black seat too. I always think there's too much blue on a standard bike!


Super Guru

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Doh! Acerbis it is thenbiggrin

Trying hard to get some black seat covers, no luck yetfurious




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So the standard seat fits ok? Doesn't need to be changed? Looks like this will finally be an easy big tank solution biggrinbiggrin

I better go check the bank balance...


Super Guru

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Standard seat fits.

Black seat covers now sourced and on their way heresmile




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Going to pull the trigger on the Acerbis tank (XR650L), will get the Zen overland mounting kit from the online shop (just do not have the know how, patience or tools to try and fabricate my own) - just a question to you esteemed gentleman;

clear vs transparent tank?
I am thinking clear - to easily see fuel level in the tank, apart from them going yellow with age, no other cons right?  




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Think I'm right don't Buy the 650 one it's the XR 250-400 fit tank you need step in someone if I'm talking Crap



Super Guru

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Clear for me but, ideally, a white tank with some clear "portholes" that shows the level of fuel - as in photos below:

15l_tank 002.jpg



Exeter, Devon, UK

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pug wrote:

Think I'm right don't Buy the 650 one it's the XR 250-400 fit tank you need step in someone if I'm talking Crap


Hi Pug.  Was going to ask that question also, which exact one to buy - but then the TTR shop luckily removed any confusion there by stating as follows:

"The tank we used when designing and refining these mounting parts, was one bought for a Honda XR650L (22L capacity, in white). So we recommend that you buy this tank when using our TTR mounting kit."

For easy reference, found here:

TTRfan - have never seen that before, the little clear port-holes in a standard coloured tank.  Very unusual - but so practical.     



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TTRfan wrote:

Clear for me but, ideally, a white tank with some clear "portholes" that shows the level of fuel - as in photos below:

 Beautiful Raid you have got going there TTRfan ... 



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Ok if that's what they say the one on my bike is a xr 250-400 one but I made the fitting kit myself. I swap it between my XR250 An TTr250 the last xr 650 one I played with bolted down to the frame at the rear with holes in the tank but that said it might have been on a Dominator it was a year or to back an I dropped it over the XR250 and it was a no fit on that I did not have the TTr at the time so cant say



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From what I have read they say the XR250/400/650 tanks all are pretty much the same - so you are probably right there.  Will just be good to have that fuel capacity for when hitting the isolated areas - comes at a price though, but been pondering it for the last 6 months.     


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walkaboutboertjie wrote:
TTRfan wrote:

Clear for me but, ideally, a white tank with some clear "portholes" that shows the level of fuel - as in photos below:

 Beautiful Raid you have got going there TTRfan ... 

Thanks mate - it was actually an Open Enduro I sold to a mate a few years ago but it does look a bit like a Raid with the big tank.

What was interesting about it was that the side panels and rear mudguard had been painted. The finish was superb and survived all the while my mate had it. It was his first trail bike and so it bit the dirt quite a bit.



Exeter, Devon, UK

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TTRfan wrote:
walkaboutboertjie wrote:
TTRfan wrote:

Clear for me but, ideally, a white tank with some clear "portholes" that shows the level of fuel - as in photos below:

 Beautiful Raid you have got going there TTRfan ... 

Thanks mate - it was actually an Open Enduro I sold to a mate a few years ago but it does look a bit like a Raid with the big tank.

What was interesting about it was that the side panels and rear mudguard had been painted. The finish was superb and survived all the while my mate had it. It was his first trail bike and so it bit the dirt quite a bit.



painting plastics is fine and it should last providing you use an adhesion promotor and put flexible additive in the paint.  I do it all the time and don't have any problems

cheers Trev


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walkaboutboertjie wrote:

Going to pull the trigger on the Acerbis tank (XR650L), will get the Zen overland mounting kit from the online shop (just do not have the know how, patience or tools to try and fabricate my own) - just a question to you esteemed gentleman;

clear vs transparent tank?
I am thinking clear - to easily see fuel level in the tank, apart from them going yellow with age, no other cons right?  


Don't forget I sell the mounting kits in the shop  http://totallyttrs.com/epages/699105d9-e4cc-4b32-b236-84e72cd67f84.sf/en_GB/?ObjectID=8380602

I also have just got the Tank in stock, so I can supply the whole kit, just haven't had the time to list it yetcry

This is the tech stuff for you all, just to make sure.

Zen mounting kit, allowing the Acerbis XR tank to be fitted to a TTR250.

We're pretty sure you can use this mounting kit to fit most of the Honda XR Acerbis tanks to your TTR (the actual plastic tank seems to be the same for the Honda XR range of bikes, but Acerbis supply different mounting kits depending on whether it's sold to an XR250/XR400/XR650L customer).

Please note the Honda XR650R tank is completely different, and this fitting kit will not work with that tank.

The tank we used when designing and refining these mounting parts, was one bought for a Honda XR650L (22L capacity, in white). So we recommend that you buy this tank when using our TTR mounting kit.

You can buy this tank from Totallyttrs, if you wish.



-- Edited by ttr steve on Wednesday 9th of November 2016 05:35:49 PM




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RE: Bigger tank for your TTR?

Fladdem wrote:

Are theses options all for later blue TTR's? Apart from a raid tank, which I don't want because I believe you need the raid seat too, what options are for open enduro models? I can make brackets, but I would rather avoid having to do so, if at all possible. Just wondering about maybe setting my OE up for touring.

 Anyone have any luck finding a larger tank for the open enduro?

I'm definitely in need of a bigger tank or a way to carry more fuel.


Super Guru

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I think apart from a Raid tank (and seat), the only option for a bigger tank is the Acerbis as mentioned elsewhere on the forum. I think any standard tanks from other bikes are likely to still be in the 9-10 litre range, so not usefully larger than the OE. The Nomad rear saddle tank would allow you to carry some spare fuel fairly easily if you haven't got a rack, or make some brackets for rotopack (spelling?) type jerry cans.
I know there're some nice long lanes up your way, but what sort of range do you need?
Welcome to the forum, by the way.
Ride safe,



-- Edited by mossproof on Monday 13th of February 2017 08:32:08 PM


Super Guru

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I keep Acerbis here https://totallyttrs.com/epages/699105d9-e4cc-4b32-b236-84e72cd67f84.sf/en_GB/?ObjectID=8754426

I'm sure I have some brackets for the OE conversion somewhere.





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Well Simon,from where i fill up to Otterburn is about 30 miles,i try to fill up at the last available garage on the route,so i have a round trip of about 60 miles just to Otterburn,that's not including any miles that i do when i actually get to Otterburn and start heading off over the ranges and moors. The previous owner said he had managed 122 miles before reserve which sounds a lot to me,I'm wondering if he meant kilometers?
The bike isn't fitted with a rack but it's definitely something i will be fitting as i think it's going to be a convenient way to carry a spare can of petrol.
I have noticed givi do a 2.5 litre petrol container and was thinking maybe a couple of them might be a good idea. Anyway it's something i will have to look into as I'm hoping to do a trip up the West coast of Scotland sometime this year to do a spot of fishing.


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Aaahh well Steve if i can get the tank and the brackets that would be great mate,though i will need to save up for them,I've had enough grief off the little woman lately about buying bikes and spares,lol.


Super Guru

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122 miles should be possible. I get 70mpg from my 325cc ttr, 50 is the lower end of the spectrum depending on what tyres/jetting/exhaust mods/right wrist flex you have!
9 litres=1.98 galx50mpg=100 miles, or x70mpg=138 miles (approx)

Justify a new tank by describing the scenario of a late night wintry rescue when you're out of fuel. C'mon darling, you know it makes sense, I'm doing it for you... Happy valentines day etc etc


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Acerbis tank fitting to a blue TTR

Hi tiddler,

I sent you a pm seeing if you still have your brackets for acerbis fitment to the open enduro 1997? Or if you have the details about the old bracket.


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TTRfan wrote:

Clear for me but, ideally, a white tank with some clear "portholes" that shows the level of fuel - as in photos below:

15l_tank 002.jpg



What make of tank is that Brian? Looks good with all the different facets. Is it fibreglass? I'm trying to work out if that is a standard seat too.



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Fibreglass. I am pretty sure it was a genuine Yamaha extra. Never seen another like it!

It's got to be out there in TTR land somewhere wink

Standard seat as I recall.



Exeter, Devon, UK

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Fitting a XR650 Tank

Hello Guys, newbie here but i straight off have a question :)
Bought myself a TTR in Cape town, but i need a bigger tank for some trips!

So now i found a tank, that i could even pick up, thats quite close!

But as i read on the TTR250 site, there are some XR650 tanks that dont fit, dont want to buy something i cant use :D

And is it complicated to fit the tank? 

Thanks for any advice!


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Hi Semmy
A couple of TTR's in Cape Town I know of. I am looking at going the 21l route. The tanks are not to dear, but shipping kills it. Maybe a Cape Town group buy to save us all some bucks. I have found a XR600 tank, but the red doesn't work for me. Clear is the way to go.


Super Guru

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Welcome to the forum!
From the "larger tank for ttr" thread in the modifications section:

"After reading the info in this thread I have now had a Acerbis 22L tank fitted to my blue TTR. I used a XR650L tank but only because this was the one in stock. I believe the XR250 and XR400 tanks are exactly the same (just with different fitting kits perhaps - none of which is good for the TTR). "

So it needs to be from an XR650L.

If it's that close, ride over with spanners to remove your tank and see if it sits in place ok. (ie fits over the frame ok and meets the seat at a good angle)



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Thanks mossproof! Yes see i dont know if its a 650L or 650R tank :D
Ya could maybe to like you said, and ride over :)

And katana, also in Capetown with a TTR? Would love to meet up once, my TTR aint the prittiest, but would be down for a good adventure ride!
About buying a ton of tanks, ya would probably be cheaper but the 1000R seems better then 300 Pounds... My bike is not the fanciest :P


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Tank is a 650L. Definitely not a 650R. The acerbis tank for the 250, 400 and 650L is exactly the same. Zen overland or the ttr shop has a fitting kit. Couldn't be easier. 


Here's mine with the tank and zen kit (and a pretty view 😉)






Land Rover and now TTR tragic 

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