Those short Rally levers are fitted to my Serow and I really like the length. But they are very floppy on their mounts. I had assumed it is because their pivot holes are worn, but I have just found a thread on thumper talk that says they are like that straight out of the box because their platforms are too thin, and the brake one doesn't connect properly with the brake switch. That review is for ones listed for a Suzuki DR400 being tried on that bike.The brake one on my Serow works fine with the brake light switch, but a previous owner may have modified it.
That review recomments the ever so slightly longer (but much cheaper, they say) DRC ones. This is all in the USA of course. Dirtbike express sell them in the UK but just list them as Yamaha clutch lever, Honda clutch lever etc.
Are all recent Yamaha clutch levers interchangable with each other, and disc brake levers too?
Just looked more closly at the Dirtbikeexpress website ant it does have dropdown lists for different models. The ttr250 is listed for the clutch lever, but not the brake