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Post Info TOPIC: Supermoto Conversion (Very Easy!) - alternative wheels

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What's the point of a Supermoto ??

 Supermoto is a class of racing. It typicly involves 80-90% ON road & 10-20% OFF road. they usually have a sorter course with tighter corners. in the offroad sections thier are jumps and burms and woops. the reason for the 17in rims are: #1 less centrifugal force resulting in quicker turnin. overall better" sportier "handling .#2 better tire options for street tires. steping down in front tire/rim size will result in less steering rake. which also plays in effect the nimble feel of the bike. but this is what i've been told and have read. 



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So that's why I need 17" in. rims - so I can scrape the handlebars when going around roundabouts ..... No chance with the 21" in. front..... None at all



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Ha, If I lean mine over that much I'm on my arse   biggrinbiggrin


2004 TTR250 - Highway Dirtbike Hand Guards, 38mm Bar Risers, D606 Front & Rear, Opened up Airbox with Twin Air Filter, Re-jetted Carby, B+B Bash Plate & Frame Guards, DIY 3mm Alloy Tail Tidy, 14/47 Gearing.



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RE: Supermoto Conversion (Very Easy!)

Hi Punka Walla,

I have a DT125X wheel, and I have the axle spacers sorted out, but the caliper mount is a problem.

Any chance you could give me the dimensions of your brake caliper mounting plate, or still get additional ones made ?




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I found this cross reference & thought it might help all you Motad fans.







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I have been checking this site for some time and it helped me convince myself to press on with the wheel/tire purchase...

I finally got my 95 raid on some 17's

it wasn't cheap, but it was well worth it.





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An owner has asked about alternative wheels on our Totally TTRs Facebook page.

This is the only thread I can find but I am sure I have seen posts saying that other wheels fit with certain provisos.

Can anyone remind me of viable alternatives please?





Exeter, Devon, UK

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TTRfan wrote:

An owner has asked about alternative wheels on our Totally TTRs Facebook page.

This is the only thread I can find but I am sure I have seen posts saying that other wheels fit with certain provisos.

Can anyone remind me of viable alternatives please?




 A fair bit of info HERE Brian.


2000 TT-R250M-


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RE: Supermoto Conversion (Very Easy!) - alternative wheels

This was a great thread, but it seems like punka walla has left the forum now.

I've just got a set of XT125X 17 "wheels which look like they'll fit straight on. Just need to make the caliper bracket.

Will post some photos later


Deepest Dorset

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fwtian wrote:

punka you said that the dt125x rear wheel fitted as it was? you think the front wheel will fit also??

 I've gone the other way, I got  a front and rear from an XT125X. The rear also has the required 20 mm spindle and looks like it will fit straight on.

The front feels like it will need a new set of bearings, so I'm hoping they are the same size as the TTR ones.

Still haven't got around to taking pictures, but will smile

Ordered some Conti Trail attacks yesterday, 140/80 17 for the rear, and 120/90 17 for the front, again, pictures to follow.


Deepest Dorset


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Dug up this old thread that seems to have died a while ago, but it is so informative. This bike looks amazing. It is exactly what I had in mind for my 1994 TTR 250. I'm not sure how to go about doing this as the parts for a metal tank ttr250 are becoming scarce. I live in the DR and was wondering if anyone had advice on how to do this conversion. I'm not what you would call a bike mechanic, but I definitely want to try. I would probably have to order all the parts to the United States and have them delivered here through our mailing service.

Here's some pictures of my TTR (yes, I need new tires, that is why I want to try and do the conversion before I get new ones):

photo 1.JPG

photo 2.JPG


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Hi Medic, bike looks good and I love the scenerysmile

My white TTR OE is even harder to get bits for Mate cry

As my last post, I just bought some second hand wheels from Ebay. Seller said they were from an XT125X,  and they have the correct spindle sizes to fit the TTR, i.e. 20mm rear, and 15 mm front. I'll be getting new tyres later this week, and once they are fitted I'll be attempting to fit the wheels to the bike. Rear one looks like it will pretty much fit straight on, as disk size is the same, but front will need spacers and caliper bracket as pre punka walla's original post.

I'll ad some more pictures as I go along.

Rear :-

Rear 1.jpg

Front :-

Front 1.jpg



Deepest Dorset


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My bike is actually an open enduro as well. I'll attach an old picture below before I got the vinyl color change. So this might be a stupid question: Why can't you just buy new street tires to put on the stock wheels? I won't need an off road and on road set as I will use it almost entirely for on road, but some lose gravel roads will be unavoidable at times.



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Nice job on the colour change Mate, I couldn't tell from the photos smile

Yes, you could just put some road tyres on, and I suppose it would handle pretty well. I'm driving mine on road quite a bit at present with the off road tyres, and it's not too bad, so road tyres would be a definite improvement.

I like the "super moto" style though and think that the handling especially in the wet will be even better. I really don't know enough to make an informed judgement though, but there are plenty of guys on here who will be able to. Maybe you should start a thread yourself asking the question?

Cheers for now.


Deepest Dorset


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WheelMan wrote:

Nice job on the colour change Mate, I couldn't tell from the photos smile

Yes, you could just put some road tyres on, and I suppose it would handle pretty well. I'm driving mine on road quite a bit at present with the off road tyres, and it's not too bad, so road tyres would be a definite improvement.

I like the "super moto" style though and think that the handling especially in the wet will be even better. I really don't know enough to make an informed judgement though, but there are plenty of guys on here who will be able to. Maybe you should start a thread yourself asking the question?

Cheers for now.


Thanks. The guy who did it did a great job, haha. He stretched vinyl over the fenders so that they flex with the plastics. Great idea. 

I'll just have to start a mod thread. Might start by taking off the front strut sleeves. No idea what they are called, haha.


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Hmmm, well, it turns out that the rear wheel I got has a TTR Hub, and pretty much fits without mods. biggrin That's the good news.

Bad news is that the front hub is not from an XT125, but from a WR250, so the spacer sizes that Punka Walla worked out are not correct. cry

I reckon that the disk side should be about 15mm, and the RH side about 19mm, but if anyone knows different, I'd appreciate the input. It wouldn't be a problem if I'd gone for 110 width, but I followed PW's advice and went for 120/90 17, so there's only about 1mm clearance each side to play with hmm

Once I've sorted that, I have to make up an adaptor bracket for the front caliper, as the WR disc is quite a bit bigger. I have a suitable bit of stainless on stand by.

Managed to finally get the disc bolts undone after following Brian's good advice, hammer and chisel!


Deepest Dorset

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Hi, I think I am the new owner of the bike that started this thread.. now sporting a raid tank and seat.

Having taken the bike to the Manx GP, I can confirm the tyres are good enough to go flat out from Ramsey to creg ny baa. As the rear is just about worn out I am tempted to replace both tyres with something a little more road biased. The front is a little bit too wide but the narrowest conti escape available







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Hi again Alan!

Wish I'd read this before your other thread smile 

Really like the bike, and I'm impressed with your IoM efforts!


Deepest Dorset

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i have a 160/17 on the rear and a 120/17 on the front.it works well


-- Edited by claytronic on Thursday 25th of September 2014 07:53:25 AM


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Nice looking bike Clayton. Mines a bit more of a rat bike in comparison.

Surprised you've managed to get a 160 on the back, mine's pretty tight with a 140. Front too has only about 1 mm either side.

Have you done any mods to the swing arm or forks?


Deepest Dorset

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i bought it already done. it has plenty of clearance.


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Supermoto wheels ?

Righty ho men. I'm about to start the mini supermoto jobby on bluey. Slowly, as a running resto until I've finished me xs650. Firstly need a gold front wheel to match me rear so I'm getting new spokes and a rim on the existing hub.

So, anyone done something similar? 17"? 


A gut full of ale and a head full of magic.

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A TTR supermoto with gold spoked rims, thats gonna be pretty sweet! Yeah I guess you will have to stick a 36 hole 17" 2.15 rim on the front...


Pete. South Somerset, England.

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Have you considered an xt 125 x front wheel think it may fit straighf in seem to recall a thread on here about it


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Xt 125 wheels require different spacers and caliber mounting bracket.. See the thread when mine bike was done. it is not a big deal if you know the right people.
I think i would look into the cost of a replacement rim before making a decision, but i reckon you would be better off buying a complete wheel and selling your old one.


ps i have suzuki dr 350 wheels in mine now

-- Edited by alanwebbo on Wednesday 13th of May 2015 03:02:11 PM


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Cheers chaps, I've seen some of the threads. Mighty fine looking bikes too. I'd like to just re-rim my front so I'll see my man at the weekend.


A gut full of ale and a head full of magic.

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RE: Supermoto Conversion (Very Easy!) - alternative wheels

Is anyone able to send me a technical drawing for the wheel spaces so I can get some made up please



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Mine n.n from Costa Rica..


Super Guru

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Very nice

What rims are they?





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ttr steve wrote:

Very nice

What rims are they?

 The rims are excel 17s.. front 3.50. rear 4.25


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Welcome to the forum Gabriel! Nice SM!


Pete. South Somerset, England.

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Which Wheels?

Hi guys, I would like to get a second pair of wheels to fit trail tyres as I currently have enduro tyres fitted.

 TTRs are rare as hens teeth in Ireland so the chances of finding a scrapped one are very slim. I was wondering if the TTR wheels are a standard size and if so what bikes share the same?




Super Guru

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I don't think anyone has given a clear answer but have a look at this thread - http://ttr250.activeboard.com/t44801045/supermoto-conversion-very-easy-alternative-wheels/

As far as I can see almost any wheel can be made to fit if you have the facility to make up spacers but it will help a lot if the wheel(s) you choose use the same axle diameter as the TTR.



Exeter, Devon, UK

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Thanks Brian, some good info there. I'll have a poke around and see what is on offer.


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RE: Supermoto Conversion (Very Easy!) - alternative wheels

Just in case anyone is still reading this thread, I made a caliper bracket, but was not happy with the proximity of the nuts holding the caliper to it.

So, I managed to source a TTR front hub from the US (good price too amazinglysmile ) and laced my 17" front rim on to it. Spoke lines aren't brilliant due to the nipples wanting to point at the spoke position on the original hub, but it's acceptable with a little "relieving" and fits perfectly smile

Also turns out that Conti trail attack2 are not available in 120/90 17 for thee front, only the rear so the supplier just sent me a rear without any notification. This is a problem as the tyre is directional and has a "rear>" marking on it, so I was confused hmm I didn't realise until I came to fit it, and did loads of research without finding an answer, so fitted it reverse way round thinking that would probably be best. Just today Martyn on here found a manual for me that shows a picture of a bike on the front cover with a trail attack on the front and the tread goes the same way I have fitted mine so good news, I think smile

TTR SM 2.jpg


Deepest Dorset

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.....and here is the bike with the new wheels and tyres fitted, now up for sale, yours for 1200 quid smile

New front wheel almost ready to MOT 2.jpg


Deepest Dorset

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This was such a good thread, thank you for all the guidance.

I used an xt125x front wheel (with an xt125r front disc) and a wr125x rear (I am told they are the same as the dt125x)

The front needed a spacer either side with another two for the front bolt and a pair of longer bolts.

The rear bolted straight in once the part of a spare set of rear spacers had the inner parts trimmed away.

I haven't got a great photo of it just yet.



Daniel Lee

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