An owner sent me a pic of a set our small indicators fitted to one of our tail tidies.
I think it looks very neat and the indicators are tucked away from (most) damage
Exeter, Devon, UK - The one and only dedicated TTR250 FAQ!
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That looks nice and neat.
What version of TTR is made by YA AHA?
You're never too old to learn something stupid
East Budleigh. Devon
They do look nice and tucked away. here in australia indicators have to be a certain distance apart.
Not sure what it is but a mate was warned by a motorcycle cop that his were to close together.
Tweed heads Australia.
Same in UK - minimum distance is supposed to be 300mm from indicator light centre to centre but, as far as I know this isn't enforced.
I use the Motrax Micro Fairing indicators stuck to the side of the rear mudguard and they definitely aren't 300mm apart.
Never had a problem with MOTs so not going to worry