My brother owned this bike a few years ago and I didn’t have the money at the time when he came to sell it but heard it might be back up, managed to get a bit of a bargain and it’s sat in a barn since he sold out it so little has changed. The plan is service, new tyres and try for a mot. It’s needing a bit of tidying around the frame, I’d love to strip it and mint it up but I have enough projects so it will just be a but of tidying and use it.
As usual i got carried away, pulled the seat up and the rear frame was getting a bit crusty so took it all back with wire wheels, stopped short of sand blasting it as it came up alright then painted it, just used what I had so will just live with the colour difference, but it’s bought it a few extra years.
new rear tyre on and waiting on pads for the back after sorting a seized slider on the calliper.