Hi, I seem to have a random starting problem on my '93 Raid. Sometimes when I press the button its completely dead, its not the battery because I can try it again 10 minutes later and its fine. All I can think its bad contacts on the starter button. Any other thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
If there's a click when you push the button, look at starter motor wires - both the earth and the one from the solenoid. If ok, could be starter motor brushes (available from totallyttrs shop)
If no click, could be problem with the starter inhibitor circuit: cutout switch, clutch switch, neutral switch or sidestand switch, or sticky solenoid (test for this by shorting across the main contacts with a screwdriver or something (be careful, there will be sparks!) If the switches are all working ok, but the motor only spins when you do this, it's a sticky solenoid.
One of mine does that sometimes, always starts anyway so i dont worry too much about it. It is usually when it is cold and hasn't been used in a while. Once it goes and is running a while it always starts first time then.
mine when stood for a long time turns over for ages as though is not getting fuel but its been stood for over a year so petrol probably stale not had time to use it might part with it if im not going to use it
sammyboy you need to do a small mod put a horn button or such like on the handlebars in reach of the clutch when pulled in and wire it into the neutral switch circuit so you can start in gear by holding in the clutch and pressing starter and interupt button button together