I’ve got a fairly low mileage 2004 TTR and until yesterday the starter motor has been faultless....and the yesterday, part way through a long day, it suddenly ‘spun‘ but didn’t engage, if that makes sense ?? I could hear the starter spinning but it’s not turning the engine over. I’ve never had any loud bangs or other issues before and, after using the kickstart, the starter then ‘healed itself’ and began to work perfectly again !?🤔 Should I just wait for it to play up again or is there something preventative that I can do ??
.....does anyone have any idea what might have caused this ?? I’ve used the bike several times since, on fairly long off-road days, and it’s been perfect !? In the short/medium term I’m planning on leaving it alone, unless it happens again, but it would be good to understand what happened !!
Could take the idler gear cover off and check it looks OK Just incase it's a crook tooth or gear
Havent had that happen on mine may have been a case of the sprag not engaging . Just a guess , is the oil past it's best may have made the tabs a bit reluctant to engage easy fix fresh oil and ride
Mines done over 70 000ks and still OK. Doesn't seem to be a consistent age or distance when they fail
-- Edited by ttboof on Thursday 26th of September 2019 04:59:46 AM
Thanks for the info👍 Yes, you’ve confirmed what I was thinking....either just a ‘one off’ jamming up or possibly a worn idler gear that’s not ‘meshed’ correctly in a certain position ?? The oil is fine, I change it every 500 to 600 miles and it always looks clean when I drain it.
Thanks again for the advice, I’ll take a look at the idler gears when I’ve a spare half hour