The old tyre subject, I've been running MT21's on the WRR for a while & love them, well they are great on the WR.
Been thinking of trying them on the TTR, as were off to the Victorian High country next month I have another new MT21 coming for the rear & as the rear on there has only done around 300kms but got ridden flat I don't trust it for a 1000kms around the VHC.
So the plan is to try MT21's at both ends, tonight I ripped the front off & replaced the D606 with a almost new MT21, as soon as I replace the rear on the WRR that tyre is going on the TTR as well, will be good to try.
I think the MT21's are a softer tyre resulting in greater grip, well that's my theory, has anyone run MT21's on a TTR ?
Going to put rego on the TTR in a few weeks once the WR is ready for the trip, will keep you posted on the result
the S21s are great as they are super soft , like riding on rails but lucky to get a days riding out of them .(good fro grass track race days though )
agree on the wide rear they may be a bit better in mud , but I like the narrow rear the bike turns well and doesn't want to climb up out of ruts making up its own mind , side benefit is the extra swing arm clearance
I read it all the time "what's the biggest rear tyre that will fit" NFI it will never turn, they just don't understand how to ride a 250 !!!
Got another delivery from MX STORE today, all for the WRR, chain, rear sprocket, new tyre & tube. Once the WRR is ready I'll take the TTR out for a run & might even get a few photos, video & if I'm lucky perhaps some video from the drone
I've only just started using the Mt21 on the ttr and love them - they have good all round grip on and off road. They are my adv tyres. They are defintely a softer tyre, especially for a DOT stamped tyre. I prefer grip over longevity any day.
Second set of rims has pirelli scorpion xcmh 110/100 and 80/100 - great offroad at 5psi though, they are way bigger than the mt21 120/90 90/90 -
The only reason I would run a D606 is on the rear and if I needed to get bigger klms out of a rear than the 2-3,000k on a mt21 or xcmh 110/100. I don;t think they grip very well - but they last ages (funny that :))
-- Edited by leigh on Wednesday 20th of February 2019 10:34:11 PM
I love the MT21's on the WRR & riding the TTR with D606's is so different, BTW I get 5000kms from the front & 2500kms from the rear but I don't have to go far to hit the dirt.
After work I ripped off the rear wheel, removed the slightly used MT21, fitted a new MT21 along with a new heavy duty tube,also fitted a rim lock (WRR does not have a rim lock)
Removed the 43T rear sprocket & replaced it with a 47T.
All back together, just got to fit a new chain & it's finished, one test run & park it ready for the VHC, means the TTR might get a run after I replace the D606 with a MT21
TTR now has MT21's at both ends, the 120/80-18 looks more suited on the rear that the 120/90-18 D606, the MT21 also comes in 120/90-18 but I have been getting the 120/80 to keep the gearing right on the WRR
Rego & a test is in order,not ridden the TTR for a while so it could be interesting
I was after a new front tyre. Rang local dealer all day (4 times over the day). Did not answer. Got a free second hand tyre, with good knobs. Only cost me price of new tube. And a bit of labour money. From a wrecker. (Front had 100's of thorns in it, suprized it lasted as long as it did)
I thought i had won the lottery. :)
Noting what you recommend for next time. Cheers. Z
-- Edited by z1g on Tuesday 9th of April 2019 01:59:47 PM