Hi, Stu here not sure I ever registered on this forum before but i was on the old one.
My TTR is currently in the shed awaiting a good re build to keep it trouble free forever.
hopefully ive included some pics from over the years, an engine drain after swallowing half the river avon!!
still my favourite and most reliable motorcycle that I've ever owned.
My TTR is far from standard! its a 1994 OE that I got after it had been ridden to Singapore! since then its done tours to morrocco, got me to work for years, scratched mountains in spain and wales with sports bikes, raced the weston and lots of other shinanagans. It came with a big Acerbis tank that I ended up selling to a fella over in OZ and it has many one off parts plus a CRD silencer and bash plate. It has had many looks over the years but is currently moody black.
I also have a very special indeed one off carbon fibre skid pan (very trick and not sure any others exsist) I may use this on its future incarnation but we'll see
100% reliable, it coughed a bit crossing into morrocco but all it was caused by a nick in the rubber tube between the carb and engine, quick fix with a coke can and gaffa tape and still runs sweet. tbh thats why apart from oil and filters etc I've stayed away from messing with the engine. Just feel it deserves a good strip down to keep it running sweet for another 25 years and beyond. Just noiced that I need a new chain roller but then also noticed a disgarded skateboard in the back garden so thats 4 chain rollers from the wheels.