Hi all I'm after a magnet that goes on the end of the front sprocket that makes the digital pick up work then hopefully my speedo will come to life. Thought I'd try on here first as they are quite expensive for a new one
You can weld neodymium magnets, but once the coating has been damaged they corrode and the magnetic field weakens rapidly. A circular magnet such as the one in your pic will not have the correct field. You need alternating north south north south radiating out at 90 degrees to the axis, (for the Hall sensor to read as the magnet spins) rather than a north and south in the direction of the axis which is what you get in the Polo mint magnet. (The field will not change relative to the sensor as the magnet spins)
-- Edited by mossproof on Sunday 25th of November 2018 08:50:22 PM