Anyone had the experience of the aluminium with o-ring blanking plug leaking? I think I put it in about a year ago. I guess I'll pull it out and clean it and maybe use some sealant as well this time?
Pulled it out last night and the oring looked ok, I suspect it has shrunk/compressed a little. Cleaned it all up and put it back in with some sealant, especially around the back edge, I can't see that thing leaking ever again.
I also got it out by using a little screwdriver in the screw hole and managed to pop it out, so a pretty quick job.
Steve if you want to send me another oring, feel free, but I'm not too fussed, feel pretty confident with the addition of sealant. I'll let you know how it goes.
I have now replaced the O rings with Viton ones, if anyone has a problem with theirs, please get in contact and I will send you a new O ring. Would like to point out that I have only heard of 2 people having problems on here and appreciate the feedback, as without it I can't fix thing's.
Though I have not had a problem with my one, but reading the information on the different types, seemed sensible to change them.