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Post Info TOPIC: front sprocket changed, float bowl gasket changed, won't start

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front sprocket changed, float bowl gasket changed, won't start

I changed out front sprocket and chain today.  I know it's standard procedure to change rear sprocket also, but it showed little wear at all. My chain adjusters were at 12 before new chain, now they are at 6.    I also replaced carburetor float bowl gasket.  I went to start it up for the first time since November, had been on battery tender all winter.  Cranked great, ran for 10 seconds or so, then stopped and won't fire again.  I verified fuel in the bowl, and spark at the plug.  I think maybe a jet got clogged from something maybe in the bowl or something after cleaning.  Plug looks OK,it is dark, but wasn't wet or overloaded with fuel. I will get a new one and replace it.  I will have to dig back into it soon.  I hate messing with this carb, but I guess that's part of the deal.



-- Edited by Jumpn on Friday 23rd of March 2018 04:57:43 AM


2004 Yamaha TTR250

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front sprocket changed

Try some fresh fuel. Drain the carby by taking out the screw on the side, drain your tank, put in fresh fuel and start again. I usually keep the old fuel for the lawnmower, it loves it.


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Yea, tried fresh fuel already. Thank you, I'm just hoping it's not something strange. It started after new fuel, ran for 10-15 seconds, then coughed, and died. I'm not sure if a backfire or not.


2004 Yamaha TTR250

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front sprocket changed, float bowl gasket changed, won't start

I would take the carb off and give it a good clean , jets etc , modern fuel is horrible stuff when left in carb ,


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Check the simple stuff first. 

Put an old cloth under the carb, switch on the fuel and undo the float bowl drain screw.

Do you get a consistent flow of fuel out? If so, it's not a clogged filter or sticking float causing the lack of fuel to the engine.

Did you check the accelerator pump was working before you fitted the airbox? If it does, can you keep the engine running by blipping the throttle to squirt fuel in from the accelerator pump?



Exeter, Devon, UK

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I drained the carb prior to winter. it was empty. I've done new fuel. It drains fuel from the bowl when I undo the float drain screw.


2004 Yamaha TTR250

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Jumpn wrote:

I drained the carb prior to winter. it was empty. I've done new fuel. It drains fuel from the bowl when I undo the float drain screw.

 A steady flow?


Exeter, Devon, UK

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Could the float be stuck and not letting fuel in to the right level in the carb? But still lets a small amount of fuel in, so you get a bit out of the bottom drain screw?

Just a thought.




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I will check the float and such soon. didn't have time today, and work 5 of the next 6 nights. Plus it' going to rain a bunch, so I will post a report when I know more. Thank you


2004 Yamaha TTR250

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Well, i believe one of the jets was clogged. I sprayed it with carb cleaner, couldn't get a small wire through it. I had a spare one, but smaller, so replaced it. But, it was getting dark and the damn airbox is fighting me. I absolutely hate getting the air box onto the carb. No room, and it never seems to fit well. Brian, I watched your youtube video, and mine never goes on that smoothly. I was to the point of throwing tools, so I quit for tonight. What are the little hints for carb replacement? I hate trying to get this thing back on.


2004 Yamaha TTR250

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Well, a week has passed, and no luck. I took carb off again, cleaned it again, put back on and still no start. I changed the spark plug, and visually confirmed blue spark grounded against the head before I put it in. It cranks for a long time, then it backfired from the airbox. For some reason, I'm wondering if the cam timing got off somehow. Originally, when it ran for 10-15 seconds, it was a little rough, then backfired, and alas, no start since. What else am I missing? I have good flow from the carb bowl when I open the drain screw. I have spark. I took the plug back out, didn't smell flooded.


2004 Yamaha TTR250

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I apologize the top photo went sideways.  Just showing at TDC mark.  To me, cam timing seems OK when compared to tutorial.  I have to run and get feeler gauges now to check clearances. 


2004 Yamaha TTR250

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Valve clearances within spec. Back to fuel. I didn't take the choke apart. Will try that next.


2004 Yamaha TTR250

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Cam timing looks good.

I know its an obvious one but will ask anyways - does the engine have compression - enough to blow your thumb off the spark plug hole when you turn it over?

From your symptoms, my suspicion is that there is an issue with the pilot jet........



Exeter, Devon, UK

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Well, compre55ion i5n't enough to blow finger off. what'5 next? Bad exhaut valve? Apologie5, my keyboard won't let me type the letter that before t in the alphabet, u5ing 5 in5tead. :)


2004 Yamaha TTR250

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check valve clearense may be too tight


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I can check valves again to make sure. It briefly ran for a few seconds when I tried starting fluid. Couldn’t reproduce. That was without the carb in place. Figured maybe with carb back on, with gas in the bowl, maybe it would fire. Nope. Double checked again, I have spark and I have fuel in the bowl. Took off exhaust header, can see exhaust valves moving. I’m done for tonight. Really thought I was gonna get it going today. Now I’m just lost with it.


2004 Yamaha TTR250

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It just baffles me. It ran when I parked it last fall. Drained fuel, battery placed on trickle charger, etc for winterizing. What am I missing?


2004 Yamaha TTR250

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TTRfan wrote:

From your symptoms, my suspicion is that there is an issue with the pilot jet........


I'll bet you a beer Brian is right.  I think you said you replaced the pilot jet with an undersized one -- its probably worth replacing with an OEM #50 (not Mikuni).  Super common problem with this carb if it does turn out to be the pilot.


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Well, I don’t know what happened, but today it runs!! I don’t know what happened, other than persistent niggling with things. I added more gas to the tank. I kind of think it wouldn’t start because it was very lean without the filter in the air box. Whatever, it starts and runs now. Whew.


2004 Yamaha TTR250

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Result!!!  biggrinbiggrin

Although it leaves an unexplained mystery confuse


Exeter, Devon, UK

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Good morning bois. My son bought and rebuilt a 2004 TTR250. It ran rough and wouldn't shift. He split the case. Put in a transmission. Honed the cylinder, new piston, new rings, new valves lapped in and leak tested. He couldn't get it to start. It's got spark. He claims he cleaned the carb out. Timing should be right. But it won't even fire when we put starting fluid in the cylinder. If we pull the plug out and "clear the flooded cylinder " it blows a good flame back out the plug hole. But won't even cough when it's all together. I'm going to double check the valve clearances, and clean the carb again. But it bothers me that I can't get a fart or even a cough when I prime with starting fluid. HELP!


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My guess is that there is an issue with the valve timing.

Need to check he used the correct timing mark as per the guide here 



Exeter, Devon, UK

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