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Daring Raid? MOT done!!!

I've been here for a few weeks but not really said hi.

I'm new to ttr's young to offroad riding but old at biking..

So I was looking for a bigger bike from my little but cheap and L plate battered xt125r.

The xt started as a very budget bike to see if I liked grean Laning.

I'm glad to say I do. 

The ttr I first bought was a OE model. a last minute perchase and is very tatty no logbook or lights. bad paint. Even anoying stuff like the side stand has been cut off. So my first thought about trying to apply for a logbook and fixing it up. Quickly turned to finding a frame that's not cut about.

Luckily it's legit and has a good engine and other usable bits. All at a price I could break it for parts and cover my costs so that's ok..

After chatting to a friend in the TRF. He reminds me he still has his early raid. With some nice aftermarket bits but a blown engine.

It's tatty and we'll used. But after a short negotiation I decide to buy it..

So here I am with 2x bikes and enough bits to build a good bike from the 2 plus spares..

Ok so the plan is this.

I like the look of the later blue model and as both bikes have dented petrol tanks I was planning on finding a seat tank and plastics from a later blue bike and fitting them.

I've sold some raid bits I don't want but I know are sought after. And I've just bought a full seat tank lights and plastics set from a wr400 that I'm planning on trying to make fit.

Reasons for me are simple. I prefer plastic tanks but can't find any late blue ttr ones for sale. And yzf and we panels etc are plentiful.

I know it won't all bolt straight on but I'm happy to mod some mounts here and there. And it's not as if I'm damaging a nice example of an early ttr.

I'm using the OE forks. OE purple wheels. Wr seat tank lights and plastics. Blue model rear shock. OE swingarm and linkage. Shorty header pipe. And motad silencer.

I will load some photos soon of the bikes and progress.

My aim is to strip to bare frame powder coat. New bearings.etc.





-- Edited by Black8driver on Saturday 29th of September 2018 05:15:55 PM


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Daring Raid?

That should make an interesting hybrid! Bring on the photos...


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I hope it works as my mind picture.. I rarely leave anything STD.

Even my little xt125r is modded after trying to use it as it was and finding it terrible.

Has protect rear shock from a lotus, revalved. Xr250 forks. Big bore kit. Koso carb ported head etc etc..

Work pretty ok now.


Ps will get pics up most on old phone.


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Yes photos pleasesmile

Interested if you get the wr400 tank to fit.




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ttr steve wrote:

Yes photos pleasesmile

Interested if you get the wr400 tank to fit.

 Good plan. Please let us know either way and pics please


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Ok so the wr 400 plastics and tank arrived. I thought I would buy a rear subframe and airbox too..
Stupidly I now wish I had bought the bits for a 2003 onwards bike simply because they added batteries from then so the airbox could have actually been usable too. Maybe.
Anyway. I stripped the orig plastics and sat on the wr parts..tank sits a little high but not too bad. I was tempted to use the mount brackets from the the wr subframe. But with some tweaking I started setting up a hybrid wr/ttr subframe.
Untill I found that the nearside seat tube was cracked and corroded a bit more that I would have liked for a strong repair..
When I cut it off I found it completely filled with mud. No doubt from the deep River crossings it has had in the past.. lol.
So I basically used the whole top of the wr subframe and most of the lower tubes matched to the ttr ones.
I need to lathe up a mounting slieve for the new seat tubes yet and make the off side lower tube removable then it will unbolt and I can unbolt it to fully seam weld up.
The STD airbox will work fine I just need to weld on some mounts.
The airbox from the ttr is a little wider so I may cut it down a bit so the side panels sit flatter and I can use the wr airbox side panels that tie in nicely with the side plastics.
Anyway. It seams to be getting there..
Daring Raid? Pointless modification or franken-ttr you decide.


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A few more bits done. Rear of tank was sitting a little high. So I lowered it and reshaped it.

Front mount done.

Mounts for std the airbox. And a mount to lower the side of the subframe so it's all detachable now.

Next I need to make the rear tank mount hook. And remove the subframe to fully weld and shape up the brackets. Plus strip the main frame and repair any sections ready to sandblast and paint or powder coat I'm not sure of colour yet but maybe just black.



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Good work Si, glad you are handy with a weldersmile





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This is a first for the forum Si - I can't recall another owner having carried out such extensive frame modifications biggrin

Looking forward to seeing and hearing more of your progress!



Exeter, Devon, UK

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Thankyou guys..
To be honest I rarely leave anything STD lol.
I'm wanting some footpegs next and was concidering aluminium but I'm not sure how these will hold up to trail riding.
Aluminium would save some weight but I would rather fit steel ones if it's more reliable.
Also on cards is a lithium battery. And a Koso 32mm carb then I will be playing with porting on a spare head.
I've also rid my motad of rattles. I will post up a how to on this later as I know many have a rattly motad. I kept it because I don't want an anoying noisy pipe for trail riding.


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Bit more done.. I decided to open out the orig carb a bit to help it flow a little more.

Need to finish the surface a little smoother untill I'm happier but will hopefully help it breathe a little better.

Around 2mm larger diameter but it's difficult as it is a strange shape I've not bothered working out it's cross sectional area. But it is more... 😋 See how it works I guess.

Frame stripped and all welding finished. Main frame. Subframe. Side stand and orig raid rear handles are at the powder coating place now.

Ordered swingarm and linkage bearing kits. Plus some Chinese footrests. Worth a shot at 13 quid the pair.

Next up is to strip forks and swingarm off my OE bike and clean up rebuild forks etc.

Need some steering bearings and fork bushes and seals next.

And decide if I use purple of gold wheels. And sell the rest.

Also collected my spare engine bits.. prob enough to rebuild one with a rebore.

Will port my spare head and tempted to regrinding the cam if I can be bothered in making a setup to do it.


-- Edited by Black8driver on Friday 4th of May 2018 09:33:15 PM

-- Edited by Black8driver on Friday 4th of May 2018 09:35:13 PM


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Carb now rebuilt and sonic cleaned.

Main jet set at 150 with 50 idle jet. As a starting point.

New fork seals steering bearings linkage and swingarm bearings all ordered ready for the frame to arrive back from powder coaters.

Upon stripping the forks and yokes from the OE bike I realised the steering shaft is alloy on the OE bike as opposed to steel on the raid.. so I will use that.

Any advise of fork oil weight and oil hight for the OE forks?? I'm 14.5 stone


-- Edited by Black8driver on Thursday 10th of May 2018 06:56:29 AM


Super Guru

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Good work Si

You are getting there. You should have your parts today, if Royal mail do their bit.

If you use the search facility above and type in fork oil, you will find load's of discussions about oil weight etc.

Hope that helps.






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Cheers Steve parts arrived today..

I'm a complete skinflint and did loads of searching for parts at cheeper prices and glad to say you were the best plus awesome quick post thankyou.



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Nice to know and thanks for the feedbacksmilesmilesmile

Looking forward to seeing the end result.





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Frame subframe and side stand back from powder coaters..




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Forks rebuilt new bushes and seals. Neoprene covers.

New steering head bearings. Swingarm off OE cleaned with new bearings and seals.

Shock cleaved up and ready to fit. New linkage bearings to fit too..

What started as a cheap build a good one out of 2 crappy ones is snowballing...

Also chuffed with my new pegs.. 13 quid eBay Chinese stainless jobs for a yz. Bit of a ball ache to drill to 10mm they seam to be made of tungsten or something😂 but fit nice.. and look great. Nice wide platforms too..



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So satisfying when it all starts going back together. Enjoy it - it'll never be that clean again!
Going to ride it down the stairs when it's built, or have you got a crane??


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Coming together nicely. ;)


Super Guru

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Looking good!

Did the powder coaters leave the frame number visible?


Exeter, Devon, UK

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I was worried about the frame number being covered so asked them to mask it out so I could clearcoat it but they forgot. It's faint but still readable thankfully.



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That also happened to mine! Frame number was totally obscured under thick powder coat....


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All covered here http://ttr250.activeboard.com/t63813609/powder-coating-information-preparing-frame-powder-coating-v-/  wink

Particularly http://ttr250.activeboard.com/t63813609/powder-coating-information-preparing-frame-powder-coating-v-/?a=18&commentID=58406502&commentPage=0


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More progress on the bike include new linkage and swingarm bearings.
Purple wheels in the shop to get tyres and mooses swaped over hopefully pull engine to fit in frame this weekend.
Pics below


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Shock and rear wheel on side stand fitted so now it's rolling again feels like I'm getting somewhere. Had hardly any time to work on it so it's maybe an hour every week.. need to pull the engine from the other frame to clean up and paint before fitting..

Can't wait to ride it...



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looking good pal it will be worth the effort when its done


Super Guru

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Looking good!


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i want to chop mine now :)


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Not a huge update.. I've been stripping my spare bike for parts. One thing I needed from the spare bike was the nicely running and complete engine.

It had an exhaust stud snapped off an oil leak and was really dirty but it ran really well so was just going to clean it and fit it..

Yeah right...

Broken exhaust stud removed blocked up all openings then a damn good jet washing cleaned it up ok 

Unfortunately it also reviewed the reason for the oil leak.. base gasket. It was smothered in clear silicone bathroom sealant almost entirely around the whole barrel..

So I need to open it up then..

I did and it reviewed more horrors.

Piston has partially heat siezed in the past scoring the piston skirt. To be honest it's all below rings and with some wet and dry and a quick home of the bore it would run again.. it's a posh wossner jobby too .

On removal of said piston I discover the small end bore in the rod pretty scratched up the gudgeon pin is unmarked and would prob be fine but there's a little too much play for my liking.. plus it's just not right..

Luckily I have almost 2 engines in bits so I go through to see what I have.. a good bore. A better wossner piston (some shirt scratching but nothing much at all.

2 decent cranks. Plus I needed to fit another camchain guide because this one has the tensioner wearing into it..

Anyway.. whilst contemplating big bore kits prices etc I decided I might as well strip the perfectly working head to have a play with the ports..

Be rude not to at this stage..

Inlet is a nice shape really but exhaust is a bit restrictive with some nasty tightening in areas and some sharp corners on the short turn radii 

Nothing some carbide cutters and sNdoapper rolls can't sort.. so I went to work.

Some light finishing done after photos today and I'm pretty happy.

Need to work the inlet next.. not much to be done there. Some nasty valveseat to bowl steps. Some light reshaping of the short turn radius and just casting smoothing and a portmatch to inlet stub.

Then clean up valves seat cut. Check the spring seat nights and pop together..

I did try to find specs of cams in case there was a intake to exhaust cam swap advantage but no.. they are same part number so no.I am tempted to pop some spare cams on the the llathe and grind the base circles a bit for extra little lift.. dunno yet . If I get time I might..

That's it for now. Hopefully get some engine stripping and cleaning time Friday. Try to put together my best bits..




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Bad luck on the spare engine Si. It's surprising how well our TTR engines run even after such bad treatment!

That little end looks nasty. I have just had a new conrod kit (from Totally TTRs) fitted to a crankshaft ready to use on a 350 kit if Simon and Steve's test kits work out - an extra bit of "engine insurance" smile

The head looks really good. I have a gash head that I could use to practice on. Good heads are like hens teeth and I wouldn't want to mess one up as I have never attempted porting or other head work before other than just making sure the standard heads are clean with good valves and valve seats.

Following your progress with great interest wink



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Thankyou Brian. I build a lot of engines from STD to race. And I've ported a number of years but I'm certainly no race tuner. I've made mistakes in head porting in the past but generally can make a decent improvement.
Luckily this head is really good.
I have another with very light pickup on the cam journals but would clean up no problems. And another one that's heavily scored..would need line boring to be any good so I guess that's a week point on these engines. Oil flow to the top end I guess. Mind you all the pistons I've seen are scoffed all on inlet side on stuff indicative of lubrication breakdown prob due to heat. Maybe some extra tolerance on the bore might help. All g with a decent quality oil..
Actually it quite a sterrfull environment for such little amount of oil really. Some extra capacity and cooling I think would work wonders.
I will be fitting an oil cooler for that very perpose..


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A day to work on the bike has been fruitful.

Stripped engine casings and the 2x spares to use all the best bits.. bearings all checked best crank fitted casings cleaned and put together. I can't fit clutch side yet as I need a new cam chain guide. I have 2x and both have been eaten away by the cam chain tensioner pin.. I guess it's a comment thing to happen?

I couldn't resist a few little mods whilst it was appart. I stripped the oil pump and ground some of the sharp steps in the passages away it is some thing I almost always do to be honest.. it helps with flow and can also help gain some power loss through the pump. Probably very little but  all helps.

I was also tempted to remove the balence shaft as it can again help with some internal losses and helps the engine to spin up quicker just as a lightened flywheel can. But in the end decided that I didn't want the extra vibration and as it's going to be used mainly for trail riding the extra mass is fine.

I've bolted the bottom end in the frame and fitted the rear frame and airbox. And a few other little bits..

Actually starting to look like a bike at long last..

I also got the work on the inlet ports. Nothing too drastic just some cleaning up and matching to inlet stub it's not finished fully but pretty close. I will be leaving it pretty rough.. polished inlet posts are  not the best thing especially for a carb bike.

Now waiting for my valve seat cutters to arrive and need to order some gaskets and cam chain guide..



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Got the head rebuilt now valves cleaned up seats recut. Shimmed to spec. And ready to fit.
Slightly scuffed piston cleaned up fine. Bore regained. Giving just over 4though piston to bore clearence. Over spec but it's a forged piston and given that wossner pistons seam to be happier with a larger clearence than they specify and it's an air cooled engine. I'm happy.
Next is to check static compression ratio and squish and I'm hoping to get it running Friday if I get enough time..

Also clutch h fitter cam chain slipper and side casing. Longer bolt fitted to reroute oil for cooler fitment too..


-- Edited by Black8driver on Wednesday 15th of August 2018 07:47:12 AM


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Amazing thread Si, really enjoying it.

This thread, along with the other recent build threads has inspired me to give rebuilding mine a go. I've bought a second frame to get powder coated and I think basically I'll just transfer everything over to it.


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Hi robs.
Glad your enjoying it. Hard to tell if I'm boring people with my little posts of " I've just bolted this on..." Or not lol
Anyway I've set my mind on getting it running Friday. Not sure how possible it is yet as I only seam to have an hour or so every night after work to get anything done although Friday I might have some more time..
Tonight I fitted the piston and bore. Head cams and timed it up.
Turns over and has compression now..
Need to get electrics on carb fitted exhaust on starter fitted and see what room I have for oil cooler..
Some more pics....


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Black8driver wrote:

. Hard to tell if I'm boring people with my little posts of " I've just bolted this on..." Or not lol

 I am! Keep up the good work biggrin


Exeter, Devon, UK

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Had a whole day on the bike today.. I decided before I started I would ignoring my whim of wanting it running today as I didn't want to bodge anything or skip things just to have to redo anything later..
Good progress however it was all slow fiddly stuff so took time. Cleaning every part of the loom washing out connections and pasting dielectric grease in all joints. Routing it all (should've taken more pics before dismantling)
But a lot actually achieved.. in fact the list to do is...
Fit silencer. Carb. Plastics and tank. Make mounts and fit front light. Fit handlebar switches and levers. Clutch cable. Throttle cables. Fit oil cooler. Fill and prime oil. . Fit gear lever. Fit frame gaurds. And sump gaurds. And run it..
Prob other things but it really is taking shape now.. starting to get excited now..


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Looking good!


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So it looks like a bitter sweet time for me right now.
I've got the loom on carb fitted. Just linked the cooler pipes right now to start it.. turned it over got oil bleed. Checked for spark. All good..
And it runs yeahy..😁.
I'm not happy with it. Firstly the starter sprag is kaput.
My own fault. I didn't fit the known good one as it was still on the other motor and I didn't strip it fully. Now I read that the rear spindle makes a makeshift puller. So need to swap that over..
But it runs and revs good. But my old scuffed piston that I lightly sanded is fine but I had to hone the bore a bit more than I'd would have liked. At 5thou clearence I should have know but thought it was worth trying. But alas there is piston slap and although it may run for quite a while like that I think it's best for a rebore and new piston. Going for 74.5 or 75mm with 2.5 to 3 though clearence.
Also going to fit a new genuine cam chain as it's another thing on my mind..
Also found that with the wr/ttr hybrid subframe the bend in the motad is a bit too close to the mudguard plastics. So I've ordered a wr450 silencer to mod. A shame really because the motad sounds sweet and pretty quiet.
So I've had to put some bits up for sale to pay for new bits..
Cheap bike has become let cheap but I wouldn't be satisfied unless it's right..
Also my main jet needs to be smaller.
That's kinda good news as it means even though my carb is bored out giving less depression meaning that it would need bigger jets. It appears that the ported head is flowing plenty more.
So sell some bits and fit some new bits..



Super Guru

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A really interesting thread Si biggrin

Looking forward to the next instalment!



Exeter, Devon, UK

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Good work and well done with it so farsmile




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Found time to do a bit to this..
Fitted another starter clutch. New wossner 74.5mm piston in machined barrel fitted new gaskets. New camchain all fitted.
Fitted the oil cooler. Oil system bless up I've not measured it but guessing around 1.6litres or there abouts.
Main jet reset to 140 as the 150 before was rich at top.
Modded a wr450 silencer to fit bike.
Clutch lever fitted.. and now it runs again.. sounds a lot better now.
Took it for a cheeky spin.. not too fast as I haven't fitted the brakes yet.. but it does pull rather well..
Oh and now fitted a blue we mudguard to front too as I didn't like the white one..
Very happy today from progress.. need last few bits some final setting and not time...
Can't wait to hit the mud on this thing after long last..


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Man that looks great, congrats!

If I saw that on the street I would be horribly confused biggrin


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I haven't checked this thread for a while. Been a bit preoccupied with my own project.
Great progress Si. I'm really interested in the head and carb work you've done, but the bodywork stuff appears to have worked nicely too. Well done!
Did you bore the carb on a lathe or by hand? Can't really tell the shape from the pics - even/circular enlargement of the bore or "upsidedown egg" shape for gains when the slide is fully open?
Is that end can loud?


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The carb I did think about putting it on the mill.. or lathe but in the end I just ported it as I would a head.. with carbide burrs and sandpaper rolls. I kept a sort of progressive egg shape but it's more oval than it was originally.. I haven't worked out it's new overall cross sectional area but its a fair amount more. With I guess at least 1mm taken out of the sides and maybe 2 or more in other areas.
First impressions is it works well on the short 3 or so runs I've done on the private road. But taking it slow as I need to fit the brakes...


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Brakes fitted and bleed.
Some more shock preload. Jetting seams good with 140 main..
Some rides up a private road and it rides very well indeed.. I kinda want to try a STD one now to see how much different mine is.. but pulls wheel up on throttle first and second with all my 15 stone over the front..
No idea of speed I need to mod the Speedo to give correct readings..
Need to sort out front parts of side panels to tie it in a bit better.. but otherwise very happy..
Few small bits to do like fit horn most likely new front pads. Few decals a brace for rad shrouds and mod the lower chain guide to fit...
Oh and fit a front sidelight bulb, hard gaurds and rear plate mount then ready for MOT...
Hopefully hit the mud this weekend if all goes well


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Still a few finishing jobs to do.. but ready to use.. mot on saterday


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Nice work. I like the oil cooler positioning. Wait for someone to ask what happened to the other half of the radiator!


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RE: Daring Raid? MOT done!!!

MOT passed today.. woop woop... Now to find time to test it in the lanes...
Very good day..

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