Currently on at 374.99 on ebay but willing to sell it for less to a TTR forum member. I realise that these kits are highly sought after, so I am actually dismantling good running engines to sell the kickstarter kits. With this in mind cant sell the engines as complete so pricing accordingly. Had one listed a couple of hours ago for 50 pounds less and it sold within an hour ;)
Owner of Ridelimousin- Trail Riding holidays in Central France
The oil seal and pin are available from Streve if need be - see
I had a complete running engine with kickstart advertised through Steve for £800 and it took months to sell.
I think you have the right idea by stripping out the kickstart to sell separately.
Thanks Brian, I will mention the seal and pin to any buyers and point them Steve's way. I think I will have to try and salvage other parts from the engines to sell seperately rather than sell as engines with bits missing!
Owner of Ridelimousin- Trail Riding holidays in Central France
Shouldn't be a problem Torsten. All you have to do with the engine you took the kickstart out of is to fit these parts -
and fit a 27mm blanking plug where the shaft came out of the clutch cover, refit it and job done!